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中文摘要 目前,国内语用研究多局限于理论的引进与分析,将语用理论应用于小说 人物对话分析的较少。中国古典名著《三国演义》在结构内容上存在较大篇幅 的人物对话,有必要运用语用学的理论与方法分析其人物言语交际行为,揭示 其言语交际的特点及语用功能。 以言语行为理论、礼貌原则、合作原则、会话含义等语用学相关理论为指 导,具体分析《三国演义》人物诸葛亮的言语交际行为,对其进行了尽可能详 尽的描写、阐释。总结梳理了诸葛亮言语交际的语用特点:第一,给交际方提 供虚假、无关联或晦涩难懂的信息,从而导致交际方上当受骗;第二,故意给 交际方提供一些与交谈话题无关的信息,使交际方意识到言外之意,以达到交 际目的;第三,对交际方中的下级人员大多实施“直言相告”的言语行为,而 对交际方中的上级人员一般实施“拐弯抹角”的言语行为;第四,根据不同的 语境选择相应的言语交际策略,从而使言语交际顺利进行并达到预期的交际目 的;第五,出于交际目的的需要,对交际方或运用礼貌用语以示友好,或运用 非礼貌用语以示威严;第六,视交际目的不同,随机调整交际方的称谓。另外, 归纳了诸葛亮言语幽默、犀利、一针见血、随机应变等特点。 本研究在运用语用学理论进行文学作品人物对话分析方面进行了一定的探 索,有助于从一个新的角度——语用层面欣赏诸葛亮言语交际的魅力,深化对 诸葛亮“智慧化身”的认识,扩大诸葛亮研究的视角。 关键词:语用;言语交际;语境;诸葛亮;《三国演义》 I Abstract At present, the study of pragmatic in China is more limited in introduction and analysis of theory, and less in applying the pragmatic theory to analyzing fictional dialogue. As Chinese classic The Romance of the Three Kingdoms depicts many dialogues, pragmatic theories and methods should be applied to analyzing verbal communication behavior of the character to reveal the characteristics of their verbal communication and pragmatic function. Taking the pragmatics theories such as verbal behaviors theory, politeness principle, the principle of cooperation, conversation meaning and so on as the guide, this paper specifically analyzes verbal communication behaviors of Zhuge Liang, the character of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", to portray and explain in details as soon as possible. Summing up the pragmatic features of Zhuge Liang verbal communication are as follows: First, providing a false, no association or obscure information in communication to deceive the opposite side of the communication; Second, providing some unrelated information to the conversations on purpose makes the opposite side of the communication aware of the implication, to achieve the communicative purpose; Third, applying "tell someone flat" verbal behaviors to the subordinates in communication, while applying "beating around the bush" verbal behaviors to the


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