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2001年首都师范大学241二外英语考研真题及详解Part Ⅰ Cloze (20 %) Directio: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, for each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE awer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Awer Sheet. When the Misses Norris called on little M. Fosdyke (1) _____ her house in Parker Street, she (2) _____ the door, dressed for going out. They apologized in their quiet, well-bred way and said they would (3) _____ again. But M. Fosdyke asked them (4) _____ the house. “Actually, I’ve just come in.” she said. “A minute or two earlier and you (5) _____ me in the street.” It was (6) _____ that the Misses Norris realized that M. Fosdyke was dressed in black, the hat bought from a shop but the coat probably (7) _____ on her own machine. As if reading their (8) _____, she said, “I’ve just been (9) _____ a funeral.” and the Misses Norris murmured “Oh?” for no one they knew (10) _____ during the past week. They sat down, the elder Miss Norris on the edge of the armchair (11) _____ the table, her legs (12) _____ neatly by her skirt; the (13) _____ Miss Norris upright on a chair by the window. M. Fosdyke took off her coat and busied heelf (14) _____ the kettle and the teapot at the sink (15) _____ the corner. “You’ll have a cup of tea?” she asked, (16) _____ the spoon in her hand. “Well...” the younger Miss Norris began and her sister said, with the self-confidence of her extra yea, “It’s very kind (17) _____ you.” “I hate funerals,” M. Fosdyke said conveationally as she (18) _____ boiling water into the pot. “If they are for somebody you like, you have a heavy (19) _____; and if it’s someone you don’t like, you have to appear to be sorry.” “Was it a relative?” the younger Miss Norris asked shyly. M. Fosdyke (20) _____ her head. “No, a friend, a good friend.” 1 A. in B. at C. on D. around 2 A. replied B. responded C. awered D. asked 3 A. call B. call for C. look D. look at 4 A. though B. fro



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