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-抬他进来 -快点 这里…… Hurry. Get him inside. Come on. Get him. Come on. Here. 医生呢 Where's my healer? -让他躺在桌子上 -快…… Put him on the table. - Go. Come on. 来这里 It's over here. 退后……我来处理 Step back. Step back. Okay. 爸 到家了…… It's okay, Dad. We're home, we're home. 已经到家了 You're home. -拿止痛药给我 -别乱动 Give me something for the pain. - Hold still. 撑着点 到家了 Second, for him. 给你 Here, this. Here you go. 来吧 Here we go. -好了 -可以了…… Okay, that's it... that's it. 放轻松 Relax. Easy. 就快好了 Okay, there you go. 他很强壮 会撑过来的 He's strong. He'll pull through. 我跟他独处一会儿 I want to be alone with him. 没问题 Sure. 他的表现真了不起 He was really something out there. 战士 第三季 第七集 -什么声音 -我也听到了 Cantonese What sound is that? Who's calling at this hour? Hey, I hear it too. 好像在下面 Sounds like it's down there. 盖瑞 土豆在那里 Garrett, potatoes are over there. 去拿 我拿这些 Get them. I'll get these. 小声一点 Quit fucking around. 你们干吗 做什么 Cantonese Hey! What are you doing? 滚出我的店 What the fuck is going on? You! Get out of my shop! 站住 Stop! 不准乱动 Don't fucking move. 你俩离家有点远 You boys are a bit far from home. 袋子里是什么 What's in the bag, boys? 可恶 Fuck! 比尔 早安 That's it. Morning, Bill. 他觉得自己做得来 He thinks he's getting down here, huh? 不对……另一个 No... no. The other one! 拿出来 现在载去马林 Take her out. Take her out! Take that into Marin now. 希望没打扰到你 Hope I'm not intruding. 比尔 完全不会 Bill. Not at all. 你提早到了 You're a few minutes early. 是值得维持的好习惯 That's a good habit to cultivate. 倒是这身打扮可不行 Well, we're going to have to do something about those clothes though. 有问题吗 Is there a problem? 混凝土容易卡在那种鞋子上 You start chucking concrete in those shoes you'll find out quick. 裤子大概也一下就裂开 Probably split a seam in those trousers too. 你穿几号♥ What size do you wear? 十号♥半 Ten and a half. 这双可能有点紧 试穿看看吧 Now, these might be a little tight. Give 'em a try. 我以为我是来处理文书工作 I was under the impression I was gonna be working on the books. 比尔 抱歉我没说清楚 Well, I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, Bill. 你跟其他人一样得从基层做起 You'll have to start at the bottom, like everyone else. 这是观感问题 It's a matter of perception. 观感是吧



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