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那边有一堆人 There's a bunch of people out there 谁会相信他们鬼上身 who are convinced they are possessed. 路易斯安那州 伊凡森林 Ivanwood, Louisiana. 我认为那边就是通往阴曹地府的鬼门 I think that the very gate to hell is over there, 就在树丛道路那边 right off of Bush Drive. 本地的邪教膜拜 Cult in this area. 真的是盲目崇拜 It's a real mix of superstition 这边的民间传说 这边的巫毒教跟天主教一样兴盛 and folklore down here. You've got voodoo, you've got Roman Catholics. 基♥督♥新教五旬节运动 Pentecostalism. 我要你帮我女儿驱魔 I need you to do an exorcism for the soul of my daughter. -我喜欢你的鞋子 -想穿看看吗 -I like your shoes. -Want to try them on? 你穿起来真好看 They look good on you. They're yours. 你是谁 Who are you? 阿邦魔 Abalam. 老天 Jesus Christ, Nell, 魔鬼赶快离开 can expel the demon from you! 快 快 快 Go! Go! Go! 你醒来了吗 You awake? 老天 你好冷 Jesus, you're freezing. 对 Yes. 你还在生我的气吗 You still pissed at me? 怎么了 你在发抖 What's the matter? You're trembling. 丽娥 Lil? 怎样 What? 杰瑞 Jared? -三小啦 -什么东西 -Son of a mother! -What the hell is it? 现在怎么办 What do we do? 你待在这 Just wait right here. 杰瑞 Jared? 嘘 Shh. 有人吗 Hello? 杰瑞 Jared? 嘘 Shh, shh! 嘘 Shh. 最后一次驱魔2 你是从邪教膜拜里 逃出来的吗 Did you escape from a cult? 你知道谁对你做这种事 树林里发生什么事 Do you know who did this to you or what happened in those woods? 你知道你的名字吗 Do you even know your name? 老天 Jesus. 护士 Nurse. 打电♥话♥给中途之家的法兰克 看看那边还有没有空床位 Call Frank at Devereux House. See if he's got room for another girl. 妮儿 听见吗 Nell. Nell, can you hear me? 老天 孩子 Good Lord, child! 他会杀光我们所有人 He'll kill us all! 我死了吗 Am I dead? 不 你在纽奥良的一所医院 No. You're in a hospital in New Orleans. 发生一场火灾 There was a fire. 警方还在清理现场遗骸 但似乎 They're still sorting through the remains, but it appears 只有你生还 you're the only one left. 不 No. 他还在那里 He's still out there. 谁 Who is? 谁还在那 Who's still out there? 阿邦魔 Abalam. 魔鬼 The demon. 我知道你很紧张 I know you're nervous. 女子中途之家是身心受创女子的暂时居所 Devereux is a safe transitional house for girls who have been through a lot 期待新的开始 and are looking for a fresh start. 帮你将过往抛诸脑后 It'll help you put the past behind you. 你应该会喜欢那里 I think you'll like it. 谢谢 Thank you, sir. 在


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