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你是我的世界 You are my world 亲爱的 My darling 我所见过最美好的世界 What a wonderful world I see 你是我唱的歌♥曲 You are the song I'm singing 你是我美丽的美莉缇 You're my beautiful Melody 小美人鱼2 回到大海 亲爱的我们该走了 Darling we'd better be going 你看她多光彩夺目 Look at her, isn't she glowing 她的可爱像你充满光彩 She looks divine and you look exquisite -但别再等了 -应该来得及 - But look at the time - Couldn't be is it 船员都在等你的命令 The crew is awaiting your orders 我们随时都可以航行 We're sailing away from our borders 稳住了 各位 Steady, boy, steady 注意他们来了 Ahoy there They're coming 号♥手们就位 鼓手们就位 Trumpeters ready Drummers, start drumming 我们往海里走 Down to the sea we go 到海洋的尽头 Down to a world I know 从来都没有一个小孩 There's never been not ever before 海洋和陆地都拥有 A child born of sea and shore 我们往海里走 Down to the sea we go 我们往水里游 Down to the world below 我为你祝福我小小公主 A journey to bless a princess-to-be 蓝天在上 Under the sun 那大海在底 And under the sea 艾莉儿来了 Ariel's coming 艾莉儿来了 Ariel's coming? 艾莉儿来了 Ariel's coming 艾莉儿来了 Ariel's coming? -艾莉儿来了 -艾莉儿来了 - Ariel's coming? - Ariel's coming? -艾莉儿来了 -艾莉儿来了 艾莉儿来了 - Ariel's coming - Ariel's coming, Ariel's coming 海面上亮亮晶晶 What's all the big commotion 海底下充满欢欣 That's spreading through the ocean 只有一个原因 From sea to shining sea 快唱出你的热情 There is no hesitating 让我们大声欢迎 Today we celebrating 艾莉儿的美莉缇 Ariel's Melody 今天川顿的女儿 再回到海里生活 Today when Triton's daughter comes back here to the water 我们快乐无比 We gonna have a spree 那船儿已来到 The boat is nearer now 我好像已听到 艾莉儿的美莉缇 I think I hear her now Ariel's Melody 我们从海里来 Up from the sea we rise 天空为我存在 Up to the world of skies 从来就没有 There's never been not ever before 一个小孩 海洋和陆地都能待 A child born of sea and shore 我们从海里来 Up from the sea we rise 天空为我存在 Up to the world of skies 永远不忘记 永远在一起 Forever to be together as one 在深海底 Under the sea 在阳光之下 And under the sun 这就是你的世界 亲爱的 This is your world my darling 有海洋有陆地 One world, the land and sea 对你我已别无所求 My hope for you for always 只要永远对我不忘怀 Is that your heart will hold part of me 我们往海里走 Down to the sea we go -上到海面 -下到海底 - Up from the sea - Down to t


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