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我们这副模样真怪 Oh, man. I can't get over how different we look. 可能是制♥服♥的缘故 Maybe it's the uniforms? 对不起 I'm sorry. 对不起 Excuse me. 案情匪夷所思 As officers gather evidence of the crime scene, 凶徒必是狂人 you can only ask, what kind of lunatic would commit such crimes? 最贴切的形容是 Three adjectives which best describe this killer 残酷成性 既聪明又危险 are sadistic, intelligent and dangerous. 对不起 Excuse me. 我们要到哪里去 Do you have any idea where you're going? 吃饭吧 你饿吗 For dinner, you're hungry. 午安 有什么惠顾 Good afternoon. May I help you? 午安 有什么惠顾 Good afternoon. May I help you? -应留意什么 -他的眼睛 -What do we look for? -His eyes. -长的什么样子 -跟我的一样 -What do they look like? -Like mine. 我先用你的朋友来热身 I'm just gonna do a little performance piece with your partner. 然后再跟你单挑 I'll be back to do my solo with you. 一 二 一 二 三 四 One, two... One, two, three, four. 刚才我本可干掉你 但管他的 我喜欢游戏 I could've killed you just now, but, what the hell, I love to play! 唐纳文呢 不用担心 -Where's Donovan? -Don't worry about your friend. 他在休息 He's chilling out. 来吧 Come on! 来吧 混♥蛋♥ 臭条子 Come on, copper. Pig. Flatfoot. -你想怎样 -游戏结束 -What are you gonna do? -Game over. 这是我的新作品 Here's a new composition. 叫"先受罪 再上天堂" This one's called, "First suffer, then die". 你作弊 You cheated. 对极 You're absolutely right. 我还没玩够 I hadn't actually finished. 警告 参与者的神经感应超载 Participants are receiving beyond recommended neural information. 神经感应升高 Neural sensor escalating. 立即解开他们的装备 Get them out of those goddamn rigs right now! 立即解开他们的装备 Get them down! Call the paramedics. -快点 -情况受到控制 -Come on! -We have this under control. 他们没事吧 Are they OK? 放到那边去 退后 Over there, back! -按着他 -抬他走 -Hold him! One, two... -Just get him out! 他休克了 He's going into shock. 出了什么事 What's wrong with that man? 必定是敏感度稍为调错了 The sensitivity calibrations must've slipped just a tad. -再试一次 -走 -All clear! -Go. -他要死了 -准备 -We're losing him. -Go ahead. Clear! -什么事 -他死了 -Anything? -We lost him. 死亡时间是15时27分 Time is 15:27. 这是不应该发生的 This is not supposed to happen. 我不明白为何会出错 I don't unders


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