The Future of A.I.《POI幕后访谈》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Future of A.I.《POI幕后访谈》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Harold 这就是撒玛利亚人 Harold, meet Samaritan. 人工智能 你总说这是不可能的 A.I. Well, you always said it was impossible. 而你总是对的 And you were always right about everything. 大家好 欢迎来到《疑犯追踪》第三季结尾 Hello. Welcome to Person of lnterest, the end of season three. 今天和我们一起的是史蒂夫?奥莫杭德罗 We have with us today Steve Omohundro, 史蒂夫?奥莫杭德罗 科学家/作家 当然了 还有乔纳森诺兰 《疑犯追踪》的主创 and obviously Jonah Nolan, the creator of Person of lnterest. 我们今天所讨论的主题 And we thought it'd be fantastic to talk today 同时也是剧中正在讲述的主题 是有关人工智能的 about an ongoing theme on our show of artificial intelligence. 这一直是我们剧集中的元素之一 It's always been an element of the show 例如Harold Finch的机器 in terms of Harold Finch's machine. 我们能看到 在第三季末尾 Now what we've seen, of course, at the end of season three 出现了第二个AI is the advent of a second A.I. 格雷格·普拉格曼 执行制片人 这就为我们的剧集增添了一些问题 So it is becoming an issue of proliferation on our show. 没错 Yeah. 这也是我们想和你探讨的问题 Something we'd love to talk to you about 听一听你的见解 and, and get your opinion on as well. 我喜欢这部剧 非常非常有意思 I'm loving the show. Very, very interesting. 我们迎来了一些关于AI的有趣问题 We're getting into some juicy A.I. issues, AI之战 a battle of the A.I.s 没错 -是的 Yeah. - Yeah. 乔纳森?诺兰 执行制片人 史蒂夫 从学术上来说 不是无聊的那种 Steve, on, on a sort of pedantic, not to get too, too prosaic with it, but, 你会怎样定义人工智能 how would, how would you define artificial intelligence? 对于你来说 AI的定义是怎样的 -对我个人来说 For you, what would be a definition of A.I.? - For me personally, 我认为智能就是 I think of intelligence 运用有限资源来解决问题的能力 as just the ability to solve problems using limited resources. 因此 根据这个定义 And so, by that definition, 我认为病毒在某种程度上是有智力的 I think viruses have a kind of intelligence. 细菌当然也有 Bacteria certainly do. 猫狗 毋庸置疑 Dog and cats, oh, my god, yes. 人类 更不用说了 And humans, certainly. 所以根据这个定义 And so by that definition, 如今的机器可以说是某种程度的智能 today's machines are a certain level of intelligence. 但它们还没有达到 They haven't reached a kind of, you know, 能够自我提升的那种智能 recursively improving level of intelligence. 没错 -但是 Right. - But, 它们不能自己变聪明 They can't make themselves smarter.


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