Bad Hurt《伤痛不会将我们拆散(2015)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Bad Hurt《伤痛不会将我们拆散(2015)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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雷 Ray. 雷 Ray. 嘿 雷 Ray, Ray, Ray... 家在那边 Homes the other way. 还记得吗 Remember? 我要大大 I gotta go! 去吧 迪迪 Go ahead, DeeDee. 我要大大 I gotta go! 我说了 去吧 迪迪 I said, go ahead, DeeDee! 肯特 Kent? 你起床了没 You awake? 肯特 Kent? 早安 Good morning. 来 吃两片这个 Here, take two of these. 真乖 There you go. 水 Here. 怎么 没有止疼药了吗 No more vikes? 肯特 你得按照医嘱吃药 Kent, you gotta take your meds when youre supposed to 不然这药就不够了 or youre gonna run out of them. 我是说真的 I mean it. 放下 Here. 这些疹子可不怎么妙 This rash doesnt look so good 疼 Hey! 我上完了 Im done! 嘿 托德 托德 Hey, Todd. Todd! 别担心 我一会儿就开走 Im moving it in a sec. Dont worry about it. 托德 等等 Todd, wait. 她今天总是大喊大叫 Shes screaming a lot today. 我去看看 Ill see what I can do. 虽然我不想这么做 Now I dont wanna have to do it. 不过要是她再不老实 我就要报hearts;警hearts;了 But if she doesnt stop, Im going to call the police. 你真走运 我就是警hearts;察hearts; Lucky for you, here I am. 哼 这就是个预备队员 Ha! That says reserves. 你又不是个真正的警hearts;察hearts; Youre not a real cop. 逮你个非法入侵是足够用了 Real enough to arrest you for trespassing. 现在请你离开我的地盘 Now get off our property. 还离开我的地盘 Get off our property. 他倒是每天把车停在我车道上 Parks his damn bus in my driveway every day. 鱼缸弄得怎么样了 Hows the aquarium coming? 漏水 喷水 Leaks, spills. 什么都得考虑在内 You gotta take everything into consideration. 是 长官 Yes, sir. 是很复杂 Complex. 有什么好复杂的 Whats complex about it? 没 我不过是 Nothing, I was just... 就是觉得你要花好大的功夫 It just seems like youre doing a ton of work on it. 我收了你要洗的衣服 托德 Got your laundry, Todd. 谢了 妈 Thanks, ma. 又死了一个有海湾战争综合征的退伍老兵 Yeah, another one of these Gulf War veterans died and 他们也不知道为什么 they dont know why. 死因不明 Cause unknown. 我来看看 Let me see that. 她又跑到墙里面去了 Shes getting into the walls again. 什么叫死因不明 什么屁话 Cause unknown, my Irish ass. 天啊 她去墙里面到底 What the hell is she doing inside those walls anyway, 干什么了 for Christs sakes? 谁在墙里面 Whos in the walls? 你妹妹 Your sister. 墙里什么都没有 Theres nothing in these walls. 连个隔热层都没有 No insulation. 弄得嘎吱作响 可能是只老鼠 Things rattle around, maybe a mouse. 你爹妈怎么能买hearts;hearts;一个连隔热层都没有的房hearts;子 How your parents bought a house with no insulation, 我就不明


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