Revelations of Person of Interest《POI幕后访谈》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Revelations of Person of Interest《POI幕后访谈》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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欢迎大家的到来 So, guys, thank you all for being here. 我们有许多要讨论的话题 We have a lot to talk about, 因为这部剧内容很多 cause this is a very busy show. 让我们从剧集的结局开始 And, lets start at the end, though, 因为在疑犯追踪的结尾 because, theres some things that happened there 发生了许多事 at the end of Person of Interest that 我相信粉丝们有许多想要说的 想要问的 a lot of fans, Im sure, have a lot to say about, lot to ask about, 让我们来聊一聊死亡 so lets talk about the deaths. 当涉及到死亡这种问题时 And when youre approaching something like that, 这不是小事 这些角色都非常重要 these are big deals, these characters are very important. 当你们策划第五季的时候 是怎样决定 How did you decide who wasnt gonna make it to the end 谁不会走到最后 as you were planning out Season 5? 我们没想杀谁 We didnt wanna kill anybody, 译注 Denies Thé 江湖人称The Darkness 309 411 513(她和小乔一起) 的编剧都是她 但是丹尼丝 还是老样子 黑暗嘛 but Denise, as usual, The Darkness, 坚持我们要实现从试播集就立下的flag insisted that we had to fulfill the mandate from the pilot onward, 没有人能活下来 where no one makes it out alive, 然后我们就按她说的来了 and we learned to let her drive the bus on that one. 是的 Yes. 开玩笑啦 我们其实在一开始就规划好了 No, I think, I think we had laid out from the beginning 这将是一部有风险的剧 that this was gonna be a show with stakes, 我们不想做到400多集 where we werent interested in doing the 400th episode, 我们不想这样一直拖着拍下去 We werent interested in doing, the sort of spinning it out forever. 我们想要讲一个 We wanted to tell a story with a beginning, 有头有尾的故事 a middle, and an end. 这很好 最终呈现出来的效果 Thats a great, the way that its worked out, 能那样讲一个故事很荣幸 its been a great privilege to be able to do exactly that, 但这总是建立在失去和改变的基础上 but that was always predicated on loss and change, 而且电视台不总是愿意 and, you know, broadcast television is not always crazy 冒这样的险 about taking those sorts of risks, 但我们从最初就这样决定了 but we sort of built it into the show from the very beginning. 我认为 虽说方式不寻常 I think, in a weird way, 但她的死亡算是圆了她的故事线 her dying was a completion of her arc. 她的死亡是牺牲自己来救下芬奇 You know, she died and she sacrificed herself to save Finch, 而之后的发展 下一步 and we got to see the next evolution, the next step, 是机器采用了她的性格



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