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试题呈现: 学校英文报正在开展以“How would you use your smart phone?”为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:?? 46% 75% 18% 30% 玩游戏 看视频 联系他人 学习 1.调查结果的描述;? 2.简单评论;? 3.你的建议。?注意:? 1.词数?80?左右;? 2.短文的题目和首句已为你写好。? How would you use the smart phone?? 慎审题,开好局 审文体:应用文 审话题:信息技术 审格式:调查报告类 审要点:使用图表中的调查结果写一篇投稿 审人称: 第一、二人称为主 时态:以一般现在时 主题语境:人与自我之健康生活 2.巧谋篇,拟提纲 根据提示,考生写作时可分三段进行 第一段( 导入段)描述调查结果 第二段(主体段):简单的评论 第三段( 结尾段 ):对调查结果给出自己的建议 提笔写,不留白 组词成句: 根据汉语提示,将括号中的英语短语组成对应的句子。 从条形图中可以看出,高达75%的学生使用手机观看视频。(the bar chart ,watch videos) From the bar chart, up to 75% of the students use their phones to watch videos. (2)46%的学生倾向于用手机玩网络游戏(tend to, online games) 46% of the students tend to play online games on their phones. (3)30%的学生可以积极使用手机里的学习软件学习。(positively, learning apps) 30% of the students could positively study by using the learning apps in their phones. 使用手机联系他人的比例仅占18%。(proportion, contact) The proportion of using phones for contacting others is just 18%. 这不仅浪费他们的时间,而且危害他们的健康。( not only.......but also, do harm to) This not only waste their time but also cause harm to their health. 我认为手机只是为我们的生活和学习服务的工具。 ( in my opinion, serve ) In my opinion, phones are just tools that serve our life and study. (9)我建议青少年应理性使用手机,如使用手机来提高学习成绩和开阔视野(recommend,reasonably, for example /enhance academic performance broaden horizons) I recommend that teenagers should use the phone reasonably, for instance, using it to enhance academic performance and broaden horizons. (10)家长应该控制学生的手机时间并多鼓励他们参加户外活动。这有助于防止他们沉迷于手机。 ( control, outdoor activities prevent......(from) doing, be addicted to ) Parents should control students' phone time and encourage them to take part in outdoor activities. This can help to prevent them from becoming addicted to smart phones. 合并句,巧升级句子改写: 根据所给英语原句改写句子注意保持句意不变。 用as和who引导定语从句和高级词汇percentage及as high as升级句 As we can see from the bar chart, the percentage of the students who use their phones to watch videos is as high as 75. 用现在分词短语accounting for,过去分词followed做状语升级并合并句(2)和句(3) Nearly half of



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