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Pre-viewing What do you know from the pictu ? Cook Ding cut up the whole cow perfectly, fully showing his experience and skills out of his practice. structure joint muscle ① How did Cook Ding compare himself to other cooks? Cook Ding compared himself to other cooks by comparing how often they had to change their knives. ② What lesson did Lord Wenhui learn from Cook Ding? Lord Wenhui learnt that it is important to study the pr iples of ng things, and to have perseverance, concentration, wisdom and devotion to one's craft. After-viewing Albert Einstein(1879-1955) The work of German-born scientist It's not that I'm so smart, it's Albert Einste hanged the field of just that I stay with physics forever, and vastly expanded problems longer. people's understanding of the universe. His theory of relativity, one of their Albert Einstein the fundamental theories of modern physics, and the equation E=mc² paved the way to the development of atomic power. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 1921. The quote conveys the quality of perseverance. After-viewing Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) I know the price of success: was an American architect, interior designer, wri nd educator whose dedication, hard work, and


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