Unit+9+Lesson1+Active+Learning+教案 高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册.docxVIP

Unit+9+Lesson1+Active+Learning+教案 高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册.docx

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Unit 9 Learning Lesson 1 Active Learning教学设计 课型 Reading + Speaking 主题语境 人与自我——积极的学习者,主动学习 内容分析 本部分话题是如何更好地做好自主学习,文章给出了五点建议,即(1)关注重点信息;(2)灵活处理大脑反馈的信息;(3)善于提出疑惑;(4)试图找到支持某论点的证据;(5)不带有感情色彩或个人偏见。通过本课的学习使学生们了解如何高效地进行自主学习,形成自觉主动学习的能力,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。教学中教师应随时随地以课本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。 教学目标 1. 通过预测、略读、细读读懂文章,概括文章主旨大意,获取并梳理作者提出的五点建议中具体的学习行为、学习动机及学习效果等事实性信息。 2. 能够运用话题相关词汇整合文本信息,完成思维导图。 3. 正确认识自主学习的重要性,以及如何在日常学习中提高自主能动性。 4. 通过阅读,小组合作,同伴讨论等,思考与分享自己将来如何积极主动地学习。 教学重点 引导学生整合文本信息并形成结构化知识,然后运用所学对自主学习表达自己的看法。 教学难点 树立学生自主学习的意识,培养学生自主学习的习惯,引导学生反思自己的学习方式。 教学策略 任务型教学法、P–W–P阅读模式 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Activity 1 1. T presents related words and expressions using pictures as prompts for students. 2. T asks the Ss the following questions: (1). Are you an active learner? (2). What do active learners do? Ss learn the related vocabulary through contexts and pictures. Ss think about and answer the questions. Introduce the topic of active learning and activate and expand Ss’ knowledge on active learning. Activity 2 T guides Ss to predict what kind of aspect about active learning will be mentioned in the text. Ss guess what kind of aspect about active learning will be mentioned through their own reading and under teacher’s instructions. Train Ss’ ability to predict and make inference using pictures as clues. Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to read the first paragraph and answer the questions below: 1. What do most people believe about the human brain? Is it true? 2. What is active learning? 3. What is Kevin Daum going to talk about in the article? 2. T asks some Ss to share their answers. Ss read the first paragraph and answer the questions and share their answers with the class. Facilitate Ss to gain some factual information and detailed information about text. Activity 4 T asks Ss to read the text quickly and write the subheadings before the corresponding paragraphs. . Ss read the passage quickly, write the subheadings and share their answe


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