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试卷第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 3 3页 试卷第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 3 3页 广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学2022-2023学年八年级下学期开学考试英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、补全对话6选5 根据对话内容,从六个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。?? M: 1 W: Lao She. He was called “the Great Master of Language”. M: You’re right. 2 W : Four Generations in One Ho use hold(《四世同堂》). 3 M: And it mainly talks about the life of the Qi family, doesn’t it? W: 4 Do you like Lao She? M: Yes, but Cao Yu is my favourite writer. 5 W: Have you watched any of his plays? M: Yes. Last year I saw Sunrise 《日出》 in Beijing. The performance was great. A.Yes, it does. B.It’s a novel. C.Then which work do you like best? D.He wrote lots of plays. E.Who’s your favourite writer? F.It’s an opera. 【答案】1.E 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 【分析】这篇对话中两人谈论了自己最喜欢的作家和作品。 1.根据答语“Lao She. He was called “the Great Master of Language”.可知,这里问到了最喜欢的作家是谁。E选项“你最喜欢的作家是谁”符合语境,故选E。 2.根据答语“Four Generations in One Ho use hold”可知涉及了著作《四世同堂》。结合所给选项,C选项“你最喜欢哪一篇作品”符合语境,故选C。 3.根据上文“Four Generations in One Ho use hold”及答语“And it mainly talks about the life of the Qi family, doesn’t it?”可知,这里在讨论《四世同堂》这部著作。结合所给选项,B选项“它是一本小说”符合语境,故选B。 4.根据上文“And it mainly talks about the life of the Qi family, doesn’t it?”可知,此句要作简略性回答,A选项符合语境,故选A。 5.根据下文语句“Have you watched any of his plays?”可知,此句介绍曹禺的剧本,D选项“他写了很多话剧”符合语境,故选D。 二、语法选择 My brother and I often fight with each other because of small things. My mother is worried about that. One day our mother said to 6 seriously, “Tomorrow we will take part in the Ray Home Sports Day. Both of you must go with me. Perhaps you can learn 7 from those children.” My brother laughed. “Mom, Ray is a home 8 physically disabled (身体残疾) children. What can we learn from them? “You will see,”our mother said. Our mother 9 as a volunteer at Ray. The children there have problems with their hands, speech, hearing 10 walking. Every day, she spends hours 11 them


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