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PAGE 1 PAGE 0 高考英语读后续写常用表达 一、环境描写类 【天气描写】 ⑴太阳开始缓缓升起,给山披上了一层金纱。The sun began to rise in the sky slowly, bathing the mountain in golden light. ⑵天转晴了。It seems to be clearing up. ⑶她一打开窗户的瞬间,阳光洒满房间。She opened the window and bright sunshine flooded her room. ⑷天气晴朗,吹来阵阵清风。The day was bright, with a fresh breeze blowing. ⑸蓝蓝的天空飘过几片白云。Every now and then clouds floated across the blue sky. ⑹天黑了,月亮消失在被浓云所覆盖的地平线上。The night was getting dark. The moon left the horizon, which was covered with heavy cloud. ⑺夜幕降临,风在她的四周可怕地怒吼着。The night settled in, and the wind howled horribly around her. ⑻天空乌云密布。The sky is covered with dark clouds. ⑼寒风吹穿了他的层层衣服。The icy wind blew through his layers of clothes. 【自然描写】 ⑴美丽的景色无法形容。The beautiful scenery is beyond description. ⑵这些花现在正盛开,散发出一股香味。The flowers are now in full bloom, giving out a sweet smell. ⑶这些小农场和村庄点缀着薄雾笼罩着的群山。Mist-covered mountains were dotted with small farms and villages. ⑷这朵玫瑰就像是在风中摇摆,在阳光下跳舞的天使。The rose looks like an angel, swaying in the wind and dancing in the sun. 二、外貌描写类 【外貌描写】 ⑴这个戴眼镜的女孩有一头长长的棕色卷发。The girl with glasses has long brown curly hair. ⑵他是一个相貌英俊的年轻人,身材高大健壮,和善的脸上带着善意的微笑。He is a fine young man, tall and well-built, with a kind face and a nice smile. ⑶他有着褐色皮肤、黑头发、明亮的眼睛和一口坚固洁白的牙齿。He had a brown skin, black hair, a wide mouth and a strong grey eyes. ⑷父亲鼻子很大,看起来很老,额头上有些皱纹。Father had a large nose, looking very old, with some wrinkles on his forehead. He looked up at me with a sad smile. 他带着悲伤的微笑抬头看了看我。 【性格描写】 ⑴他是个容易相处的人,性格果断。He is an easy-going man with a determined character. ⑵奶奶对邻居很热心,总是乐于帮助他们。Grandmother is very warm-hearted to her neighbors and is always ready to help/ always takes pleasure in helping them. ⑶他很有幽默感,经常在谈话中插科打诨。He has a sense of humor and often cuts a joke in the middle of the conversation. ⑷他不是特别强壮,但健康,充满活力。He is not very strong but healthy and energetic/ full of energy. ⑸他思想成熟、精力旺盛、为人诚实,而且有极强的系统管理能力。He is mature, energetic and honest. What’s more, he has an excellent ability of systematical management.


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