Unit3 Lesson 4 Discovering useful structure & Using structures 教案--人教版高中英语必修第一册.docx

Unit3 Lesson 4 Discovering useful structure & Using structures 教案--人教版高中英语必修第一册.docx

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教案-高一—人教版必修一—英语—第三单元-语法课 主题语境:人与自我-运动与体育精神授课类型:语法课 授课时长:一课时内容分析: 该板块的活动主题是“开展小对话”(Make small conversations)。本单元的语法项目是附加疑问句,它一般用在非正式的口语对话中,用来主动提出谈话的内容,开始和对方聊天。其作用是说话人向对方验证自己的陈述或者判断,也可以用于祈使句表示请求或建议。要求学生通过观察,体验,最后能在口语交际中自然使用该语法项目。 Listening and Talking 的文本材料中出现了附加疑问句的一种特殊用法,即附加疑问句还可以用来表示对某人刚说过或暗示过的事情的反应,表达对它的兴趣、怀疑、吃惊或者愤怒等感情。这时,肯定陈述之后可以用肯定式附加疑问,而否定陈述之后可以用否定式附加疑问。 教学目标: 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 通过对 the sports day 情景对话的观察分析,掌握附加疑问句的功能、构成、回答以及附加疑问句特殊主语,否定词和它的几种用法。 在实际语境中正确使用附加疑问句。 领悟 the sports day 中 Adam 的故事所讲述的体育精神。 教学重点: 附加疑问句的结构及回答; 正确的理解附加疑问句交际功能; 情境中正确的使用附加疑问句。 教学资源: StepsActivitiesPurpose1. Lead-in Situational awarenessT presents learning objectives and introduces the topic. Steps Activities Purpose 1. Lead-in Situational awareness T presents learning objectives and introduces the topic. T presents the question “What is a tag question?” Students enjoy a picture and try to describe it according to T’s example: 通过图片创设sports day 这 一情境,激发学生好奇心,引导其在语境中学习和感悟附加疑问句,为下文做铺垫 “They are taking part in sports, aren’t they?” 3) T leads students to conclude what tag question is. 2. observation Ss learn about the function of a tag 通过对话呈现语法项目,帮 and discovery question. by reading a conversation and 助学生去观察感受附加疑 (1) function telling the tone of each tag question and 问句的语调并理解其语用 trying to understand the function of the 功能 tag questions. T provides some exercise for students to understand different functions of tag questions. Then T leads Ss to summarize the function of tag questions. 3. observation Ss listen to the dialogue and underline 提供情境引导学生通过观 and discovery the tag questions and their answers. 察归纳附加疑问句的构成 (2) structure T leads Ss to summarize the general 以及其回答并进行及时练 rules of the structure of tag questions. 习,最后两题为下一步做好 T provides some practice for students 铺垫 to enhance what they have learned. 4. observation Ss observe and discover the negative 提供情境引导学生观察归 and discovery words in the statement while listening 纳附加疑问句的特殊否定 (3) negative to



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