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教学设计(教案) 基本信息 英语 高二 教学形式 廖洁红 英德市第一中学 课题名称 课题名称 Unit 18 Lesson 1 What is beauty 学情分析 本班学生是普通班学生,普遍在英语学习方面存在很多困难。但是经过高一和高二两年高中 学习后,学生己经掌握了略读、跳读 等一定的阅读技巧以及识别关键词、确定主题句、预测等 阅读技能,有了基本的阅读策略,并在不断学习中得到提高。 教学目标 分析要点:1 .知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。 Grammar: the usage of esed to and would Reading: fast reading and intensive reading to understand the passage deeply and learn to work out the main structure of the passage. 教学过程 教学步骤 设计目的/能力要求 Step 1 warm up Give students some pictures and let them come to the conclusion that beauty is in the eye of the beholders. Step 2 pre-reading a. Some pictures to show the meaning of several words Step 3 fast reading 目的:通过让学生看一 些图片引入到本堂课 的主题词“beauty”, 进而导入本节课的内 容。通过图片发散学生 的思维,运用有关 beaury的相关词汇。 Read the passage quickly and answer the questions Step 4 intensive reading Read the passage carefully and finish the true or false questions- Finish exercise 3 and 4. Step 5 oral practice Show students some pictures about artificial beauty and ask them to voice their opinions on this matter. Step 6 working out the structure of the whole passage Step 7 language points Women used to wear corsets to achieve a body-shape that is no longer considered to be desirable. consider sb/sth (to be) +n. /adj. consider that 认为某人(某事)如何 He considers his new job (to be) challenging.他觉得他的新工作很具 挑战性。 His new job is considered (to be) very challenging. He considers that his new job is challenging. consider doing考虑做某事 He has never considered making a living by playing the violin. 他从未 想过靠拉小提琴谋生。 culture remains a major part in ... 仍然是,保持不变 Whether to go or not remains a question. 去还是不去还是个 1、可题. The life style remains unchanged though HK has returned to China. 虽然香港回归了中国,但是人们的生活方式都没有改变. In other cultures, looking thin for their husband-to-be is not what a woman desire at all. what引导的名词(表语)从句 目的:通过限时阅读来 训练学生的快速阅读 能力. O 目的:快速阅读后,让 学生快速找出要学的 知识点,来加强对文 章的理解。 目的:及时运用本节课 所学的内容,即学即 用。 Step 8 Summary (4 mins) The teacher ask students to tell something about beauty. Step 9 Homework Finish th


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