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PAGE 14 构建中国特色判例制度的思考 摘 要 2010年起,指导性案例指导作为中国法治进程中的一项重要内容之一正式启动。这也意味着一种新的司法裁判规则在改革开放后的中国应运而生。此项改革对中国法治进程将带来重大的影响。 法律规则在我国主要可分为三种:一是国家立法机关通过法定程序所创制的法律,在我国亦被称为狭义的法律;二是行政机关通过法定程序所创制的行政性法规;三是司法机关通过法定程序所创制的对法律的解释,10年以前指司法解释,10年之后在中国增加指导性案例中的裁判规则。指导性案例在中国问世时就受到很多质疑,有人认为这跟中国成文法传统相冲突,有人认为这是照搬照抄西方的判例制度。 但是,法律形式的多元性是中国法系的传统之一,“例”在中华的传统当中并不陌生。此外,时下两大法系日益交融,指导性案例在中国的产生虽有不尽人意之处,但它的建立仍将给中国的法治建设带来积极的推动力量。 本文将从当前指导性案例的发展入手,探讨在中国建立中国特色的判例制度的可能性与必要性,其制度下的功能定位和具体内容及相应配套措施等中国特色判例制度的若干问题。 关键词:中国特色判例制度;指导效力;同案同判; On the construction of case system with Chinese characteristics Abstract Since 2010, guiding case guidance has been officially launched as one of the important contents in the process of rule of law in China. That also means that the innovation of judicial rule came into being in China after the adoption of reform and opening policy. Chinese nomocracy development will be greatly influenced by this reform. There are three kinds of legal rules in our country: one is the law created by the state legislature through legal procedures, which is also known as the narrow sense law in our country; the other is the administrative regulations created by the administrative organ through legal procedures; the third is the interpretation of the law created by the judicial organ through legal procedures, which refers to the judicial interpretation 10 years ago, and the guiding cases added in China 10 years later The rules of the case. When the guiding cases came out in China, they were questioned. Some people thought that it was in conflict with the tradition of Chinese written law. Some people thought that it was copying the Western case system. However, the diversity of legal forms is one of the traditions of the Chinese legal system, "example" is not new in the Chinese tradition. In addition, nowadays, the two legal systems are becoming more and more integrated. Although the emergence of guiding cases in China is unsatisfactory, its establishment will still bring positive impetus to the co


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