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PAGE 23 摘 要 重视企业的盈利能力分析,对公司利润及其变化趋势进行及时的分析与预测,这是一个公司长久生存发展的基石。盈利能力的水平越高,企业的发展前景越可观,始终焕发经济活力,从而保障企业的生存和长远发展的规划。医药行业关系着人们的身心健康与日常生活,医药行业的市场需求随着社会的发展不断扩大,相应的,对医药行业的要求也在逐步提高。其提高盈利能力的相关对策,可以在一定程度上,对医药行业的企业在盈利能力方面上提供一些借鉴。 本文以天津中新药业集团股份有限公司(以下简称“中新药业公司”)为研究对象,通过对盈利能力相关概念的阐述,采用文献研究法、定量分析法以及对比分析法,并以中新药业公司2014年到2018年的财务数据为研究基础,对本公司现有盈利能力的状况进行分析,进而剖析在现有经济环境下,盈利能力方面存在的具体问题,针对这些问题,结合中新药业公司自身发展情况,给出提高中新药业公司盈利能力的对策。 关键词:中新药业公司;医药行业;盈利能力;对策 ABSTRACT It is the cornerstone of a company's long-term survival and development to attach importance to the profitability analysis of the company and timely analyze and forecast the profit and its changing trend. The higher the level of profitability, the more promising the development prospects of the enterprise, and always full of economic vitality, so as to ensure the survival and long-term development of the enterprise planning. With the development of society, the market demand of the pharmaceutical industry is expanding. Accordingly, the requirement of the pharmaceutical industry is also increasing gradually.In terms of the relevant countermeasures to improve profitability, it can provides some references for pharmaceutical enterprises in terms of profitability. Taking Tianjin Zhong Xin Pharmaceutical(hereinafter referred to as "Zhong Xin pharmaceutical company") as the research object, through to the profitability of related concepts, using literature research, quantitative analysis and comparative analysis. Based on the financial data of the Zhong Xin pharmaceutical companies from 2014 to 2018, the current profitability of the company is analyzed. Then analyzes the current economic environment, the profitability of specific problems, to solve these problems, combined with the development of Zhong Xin pharmaceutical company, improve Zhong Xin pharmaceutical company profitability countermeasures are presented. KEYWORDS:Zhong Xin pharmaceutical company; Pharmaceutical industry; profitability;countermeasure 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z 882


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