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中小企业的盈利能力分析 ——保定蓝天制鞋有限公司为例 摘 要 本论文正是将公司的经济发展状况为研究对象,主要针对其公司运营发展状况,根据科学的财务分析法对企业进行现状分析,与此同时,本文还要综合社会发展实际和现实需求状况来综合评析公司的发展状况。最终得出企业在发展过程中的最终现实情况。本文以保定市蓝天制鞋有限责任公司为例,针对该公司内部的发展状况来判断其经济发展过程中的盈利状况。与此同时,本文本篇课题将保定蓝天有限责任公司为主要研究对象的原因如下,该主体在近几年的发展过程中发展趋势呈现单调递增,发展前景广阔,发展潜力巨大,因此,它完全可以被称之为保定市的代表性企业。总之,以保定市蓝天制鞋有限责任公司为研究对象,不仅可以正确了解当今发展变化着的实际,还可以给此行业内的其他公司以借鉴的意义。本文深入分析蓝天制鞋有限公司的盈利能力,通过趋势分析法和比较分析法来研究蓝天制鞋企业中的收入,成本,存货周转率,应收账款几点来分析企业盈利能力过程中的问题。并通过趋势分析法和比率分析法来研究分析,并得出收入,成本,存货周转率和应收账款对盈利能力的影响,并提出这些问题的解决方法。 关键词:盈利能力 盈利状况 财务分析 An Analysis of the Profitability of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises ——Baoding Blue Sky Shoemaking Co., Ltd. as an example Abstract In this dissertation, the economical develop of the corporation is the object of study, mostly for its operate and develop, in the light of to the scientific financial analyse means to analysis the current condition of the commerce, in the meantime, this dissertation also needs to concordance the actual social develop and actual demand condition to appraise the develop of the company. Finally, the final actuality of the business in the procedure of develop is obtain. Taking Baoding Blue Sky Shoe Making Co., Ltd. as an instance, this dissertation judges its earning power in the process of economical develop according to the inner develop of the company. At the same time, this topic will Baoding Blue Sky Co., Ltd. as the main target of study for the follow reasons, the main body in current years in the develop process shows a monotonous increasing trend, broad prospects for development, great potential for development, therefore, it can be called the representative enterprise of Baoding City. In a word, taking Baoding Blue Sky Shoe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. as the research object, we can not only correctly understand the changing reality of today's development, but also give other companies in this industry a reference. This paper deeply analyses the profitability of Blue Sky Shoe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Through trend analysis and comparat


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