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第 50 卷第 9 期 机 械 工 程 学 报 Vol.50 No.9 2014 年 5 月 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING May 2014 DOI :10.3901/JME.2014.09.001 我国工业机器人技术现状与产业化发展战略* 王田苗 陶 永 (北京航空航天大学机械工程及自动化学院 北京 100191) 摘要:随着工业机器人的快速发展,其在汽车制造、机械加工、焊接、上下料、磨削抛光、搬运码垛、装配、喷涂等作业中 得到越来越多的应用。结合在机器人领域的相关工作,在分析国内外关于工业机器人发展现状的基础上,就工业机器人目前 涉及的灵巧操作、自主导航、环境感知、人机交互与安全性等前沿技术的研究做简要的综述。提出我国工业机器人产业发展 的若干思考和建议,希望能够在把握国内外工业机器人前沿技术发展动态的同时,为发展我国工业机器人技术与产业提供相 关战略思考与建议。 关键词:工业机器人;轻巧操作;自主导航;环境感知;产业化;发展战略 中图分类号:TP242 Research Status and Industrialization Development Strategy of Chinese Industrial Robot WANG Tianmiao TAO Yong (College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191) Abstract :With the rapid development of industrial robots, more and more robots are applied in the automobile manufacturing, mechanical processing, welding, loading and unloading, grinding and polishing, handling and palletizing, assembling, painting and other operations. Combining the relevant work in the field of robotics, the domestic and international present and developing condition of industrial robots are discussed, and then a brief review on researches of cutting-edge technology is proposed, such as dexterous manipulation, autonomous navigation, environmental perception, human-robot interaction and security. Thinking and suggestion of Chinese industrial robot development are proposed, which keeps track of the latest developments in industrial robots, and helps to develop the theory, method and suggestion for Chinese robotics technology and industries. Key words :industry robot ;dexterous manipulation ;autonomous navigation ;en


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