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毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 新中式茶柜设计 摘要:随着人民物质生活条件的不断改善,对于居住环境与品质的要求也在不断提升。近年来,新中式家具风潮在家装设计领域迅速蔓延,它将传统文化的精髓与现代技术完美结合,并以其独特的魅力赢得了消费者的一致认可,成为家具市场的一股清流。尽管新中式家具的设计有所改进,但仍然停留在传统的水平,缺乏创新性和现代化的融合,这种状态阻碍了其在市场上的发展潜力 。这就需要新中式家具的设计者应当不断提高创新能力,持续推陈出新,在新中式家具设计中体现传统文化元素与现代设 计理念的巧妙融合,从而设计出更加新颖、优质和美观的新中式家具。本文通过探讨新中式家具的创新设计策略,为相关工作的开展 提供参考。本文旨在探讨新中式风格在茶饮空间设计中的应用,并分析其特点。通过将中国茶文化与新中式风格相结合,使大家可以更好地理解新中式风格在现代茶饮空间中的运用,并为其带来价值。本设计基于新中式风格符号的归纳和茶家具使用需求的分析,以构建一个可用于现代家庭茶家具的设计目标库,并以多功能茶家具设计为例,进行了实证验证。通过实际应用,将中国传统元素与现代家具元素融合从而提高产品的使用体验,为开展新中式茶家具创意设计提供了一条新的途径。 关键词:新中式;茶饮;茶柜设计;传统文化 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Design of new Chinese style tea cabinet Abstract: With the continuous improvement of people's material living conditions, the requirements for living environment and quality are also increasing. In recent years, the trend of new Chinese furniture has spread rapidly in the field of home improvement design. It perfectly combines the essence of traditional culture with modern technology, and has won the unanimous recognition of consumers with its unique charm, becoming a clear stream in the furniture market. Although the design of new Chinese furniture has been improved, it still remains at the traditional level, lacking the integration of innovation and modernization, which hinders its development potential in the market. This requires designers of new Chinese furniture to continuously improve their innovative ability, continue to introduce new ideas, and reflect the ingenious integration of traditional cultural elements and modern design concepts in the design of new Chinese furniture, so as to design more novel, high-quality and beautiful new Chinese furniture.This paper discusses the innovative design strategy of new Chinese style furniture to provide reference for the development of related work. The purpose of this paper is to explore the application of new Chinese style in the design of tea drinking space and analyze its characteristics. By combining Chinese tea culture with new Chinese style, we can better



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