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猪场引种生物安全关键点The key points of biosecurity to induced pigsPIC?生物安全盾(PIC? Bioshields)活猪和精液启动禁售猪场设施粪污处理人员食物,蔬菜,厨房等控制Food, Vegetable,Kitchen设备和物资病死猪处理management+. 主动被动监测和禁售-常规监测饲料运输引自 PIC 亚太健康保2 障总监姚建聪-售前检测主要内容 Main contents? 种源场的健康是至关重要的The health status of souring farm is critical.? 种猪车辆的准备、装猪和运输The preparation of truck, loading and transportation.? 隔离舍的选择、设计与卸猪Isolation selection, design and unloading.一、种源猪场的健康The health status of souring farm? 对种猪健康要求及如何验证引种来源猪只健康The requirement of health status and how to identify health status.? 种源猪场的市场口碑与持续供应能力The public praise and continuous supply ability.? 与种源猪场的兽医沟通健康管理程序和采样检测Communications with the vet of scouring farm about health assuranceprogram and sample gathering.? 种猪到场后的健康监测 The health monitor program after arrival.1、对种猪健康要求及如何验证种源场猪只健康The requirement of health status and how to identify health? 参考关注的疾病种类 The disease species you may focus on.病毒病:非洲猪瘟、猪繁殖呼吸综合征(蓝耳病)、猪瘟、猪伪狂犬、猪流行性腹泻(PED)、轮状病毒和猪口蹄疫等Virus: ASF, PRRS, CSF, PR, PED, RV and FMD .etc细菌病:猪支原体、传染性胸膜肺炎、猪萎缩性鼻炎和猪丹毒等Bacteria: MH, APP, AR and SE (SwineErysipelas) .etc1、对种猪健康要求及如何验证种源场猪只健康The requirement of health status and how to identify health? 检测方法:聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、酶联免疫吸附反应(ELISA)、病理切片、免疫荧光、免疫组化和病毒中和试验等Test methods: PCR, ELISA, Pathological Section, IFA, IH and VN .etc? 检测结果的可解释性,如蓝耳阳性稳定场检测结果的挑战How to interpret the test result, for instance, the test result from PRRSstable farm.2、种源猪场的市场口碑与持续供应能力The public praise and supply ability of sourcing farm? 来自种猪场过往引种客户的反馈The feedback from the clients who had induced pigs from scouring farm.? 种猪场的数量和全国的布局The number of breeding farms and multiplier herds distribution in China.? 是否有持续供应种猪的能力The ability to supply breeders constantly.3、与种源猪场兽医沟通健康管理程序和采样检测Communications with vet of sourcing farm about thehealth management program and sample test? 种源猪场的健康保障程序 The health assurance program.? 种源场兽医团队的专业性 Profession of vet team.? 过往最近三个月检测报告 The test reports in the past 3 months.? 根据关注疾病制定采样计划和检测结果的解读According to the concerned diseases


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