XXX 2019外研版必修一 单词默写复习学案.docx

XXX 2019外研版必修一 单词默写复习学案.docx

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XXX 2019外研版必修一 单词默写复习学案 Book 1 Unit 1 1.High - having a high status。level。or rank。advanced 2.High school - a secondary school - eager to know or learn something 4.Campus - the XXX 5.n - a long-established custom or belief that has been passed down from n to n 6.Facilities - buildings。equipment。or services that are provided for a particular purpose 7.Impressive - evoking n through size。quality。or skill。making a strong impact 8.Moment - a particular point in time 9.Author - a writer of a book。article。or report 10.Eagerness - a strong desire or enthusiasm for something 11.Explore - XXX area in order to learn about it 12.Sequentially - in a particular order。one after the other 13.Engine - a machine with moving XXX 14.Insect - XXX 15.Organize - arrange into a structured whole。coordinate the activities of (a person or group) efficiently - experiencing worry。unease。or nervousness 17.Breathe - take air into the lungs and then expel it。especially as a regular logical process 18.Frantically - XXX fear。anxiety。or other ns 19.Challenge - a call to XXX 20.Pressure - the continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it 21.Calm - XXX feeling nervousness。anger。or other strong ns。peaceful 22.Describe - give an account in words of (someone or something)。including all the relevant characteristics。qualities。or events 23.Confident - XXX。self-assured 24.Poster - a XXX 25.Badminton - a game played with rackets and a shuttlecock。in which players hit the shuttlecock across a net 26.Band - a group of musicians who play music together。XXX 27.Gym - a place where people go to do physical XXX 28.Piano - a large XXX and metal strings。XXX when the keys are depressed 29.Stage - a raised floor or platform on which actors。entertainers。or speakers perform 30.Photography - the art or practice of taking and processing photographs 31.Implicit - implied though not plainly expressed。hidden。inner 32.Afternoon - the time from XXX 33.Debate - XXX legislativ


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