We Are All Fighters-中英文演讲稿考点分析.docx

We Are All Fighters-中英文演讲稿考点分析.docx

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《我们都是战士We Are All Fighters》考点知多少 This is a war,? 这是一场战争 (不定冠词表泛指) and we are all fighters.? 而我们都是战士! To the fighters (定冠词表特指) 致敬所有的战士们! We are facing a dark time right now. (现在进行时,此刻正在发生的事;face v.面对,面向,面临。可与 be faced with互换使用。前者表动作,后者表状态。) 我们正面临着黑暗时刻 Some of us are stuck at home (受困,卡住不动,困住。be stuck in : 受困于,被困在….be caught in ?陷入,卷入; be trapped in 陷于...处境之下) 我们中有些人不得不禁足在家 Some are stuck far away from home 有些人不得不滞留他乡 Some of us have lost their jobs,(失业,同义词be out of work, be unemployed;lose vt 失去。易混点:be lost 迷失;be lost in全神贯注于;lose heart失去信心,lose one’s heart to爱上了) 我们中有人失去了工作 Some have to shut down their businesses (shut down关闭,歇业,停业;shut up住口,闭嘴) 有人关停了赖以为生的生意 Some of us are cutting down the expenses(cut down削减, 砍倒; cut up切碎,cut out:切断; cut off:切掉, 砍掉, 隔离, 停止) 我们中有人不得不缩减开支 Some can’t even pay their rent and bills? 有人甚至支付不起房租和账单 Some?can’t go back to school 我们中有人无法回到学校 Some can’t get back to their jobs 有人无法回到工作岗位 And some of us are still working day and night,? 我们中有人必须日夜坚守 no matter how exhausted they are?(此处=however,引导让步状语从句;但no matter how 一般不用来引导名词性从句, 而however可以引导名词性从句;however还表示转折,相当于but, nevertheless, nonetheless之类的词,而且使用时一般后面加个逗号,注意but后面不加逗号。) 无论多么疲惫 Or how dangerous it is. 抑或多么危险 Some of us have become infected. 我们中有人被感染 They were isolated from their families, their loved ones, 他们不得不离开家人和所爱之人 and have to be alone in the wards, 独自在病房面对恐惧 Or even worse, it is their children, parents, or loved ones that are infected (强调句 it is/was +被强调部分+that+其他成分,被强调部分是人时,可以用who替换that。此句强调主语) 甚至更遭的是,被感染的是他们的孩子、父母或者爱人 and they don’t even have a chance to say goodbye? 他们甚至来不及当面道别 The virus is rampaging 病毒在大行肆虐 The numbers are increasing? 感染人数在不断增加 The rumors are spreading 谣言四起 The fear is growing 恐惧弥漫? It seems that all of a sudden? 似乎整个国家都在一瞬间 the whole country lost its vitality and prosperity.? 失去了往日的活力和繁华 You are not the only one who is worrying,(定语从句, 先行词为the only one) 你不是一个人在担忧 you are not the only one who is fearing, 你不是一个人在恐惧 You are not the only one who is struggling 你不是一



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