剑桥商务英语 MODULE 1.1 World of work.ppt

剑桥商务英语 MODULE 1.1 World of work.ppt

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剑桥商务英语 MODULE 1.1 World of work

Vocabulary 3 bonus [C] n. 奖金 a $15 bonus Workers in big firms usually receive a bonus in December. catalogue World of work Vocabulary study technique n.[C] 技巧;方法 selling technique management technique technology 技术 Science & Technology IT: Information Technology presentation n.陈述; 报告; give/make presentations present v.展示;陈述 n. 现在,目前; 礼物 Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present consultant A consultant is a person who gives expert advice to a person or organization on a particular subject. n. 顾问 He works as a management consultant in a training consultancy. consult+ ant consult v. 咨询,请教 consult sb. -ant …人 servant, participant, accountant, assistant, applicant n. 咨询公司 accredited adj.公认的;可接受的; 可信任的 She is an internationally accredited public speaker. 她是国际知名的演说家。 motivational adj. 激励的,激发积极性的 motivational techniques entertaining adj. 有趣的,娱乐的,使人愉快的 entertaining books/films/courses professional adj.专业的; 职业的 professional career client n. 客户 synonyms: customer, consumer client:范围广一些,用的场合也比较正式; customer:购买货物或享受服务的人 consumer:指为直接使用或拥有而不是为再次卖出去或用于生产制造中而获取商品或服务的人 客户 顾客 消费者 1. Selling techniques 2. Cross-cultural communication 3. Business English intensive courses 4. How to set up a business through the internet 5. Team building 6. Health and safety in the workplace 7. How to give effective presentations 8. How to deal with difficult customers 9. Public speaking 10. Speed reading and memory supertraining A. 商务英语强化课程 B. 演讲 C. 工作场所的健康与安全 D. 如何做好口头报告 E. 如何应对挑剔顾客 F. 如何通过互联网建立公司 G. 销售技巧 H. 跨文化交际 I. 团队建设 J. 快速阅读与记忆超能训练 Look at the courses J&C Training offers and tick the ones that you find interesting. Compare with a partner and explain why the courses interest you. “对……感兴趣”的常用表达法 sb. is interested in sth./ sth interest sb,/ sb. finds sth. interesting sth. appeals to sb. / sth. is appealing to sb./ sb. finds sth. appealing sb. is attracted by sth./ sth. attracts sb./ sth. is attractive to sb. e.g. I


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