译林版(三起)英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean Checkout time 课件.pptx

译林版(三起)英语六年级上册Unit 6 Keep our city clean Checkout time 课件.pptx

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Unit 6Keep our city clean( Checkout time ) I know how to keep our city clean.I can use ‘make’‘keep’ ‘should’.We can make a proposal to encourage people tokeep our city clean . Learning aims ‘dirty King’(邋遢大王)‘little dirty’(小邋遢).DavidHow?WhatWhatWhy?What Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z The dining room is dirty and messy.So yummy! What makes the room dirty and messy? What makes the classroom dirty and messy? What makes the park dirty and messy? I am the boss now! What makes the air dirty? Help!I become the rubbish man! Ah… It’s…It’s a dream. I should change.(改变)I’m not dirty king.(邋遢大王) What can I do to keep my room clean?To keep… clean, we can… I know we should put toys in order! 四人一组讨论图片。 Match and sayWhat can I do to keep my dining room clean? Match and sayTo keep… clean, we can…I don’t know. Ha-ha, I know more about bins!. …How to put the rubbish in different bins?We should put… We can…Smoke from factories makes the air dirty. What can we do to keep the air clean?We can…What else can we do? Let’s go to the library and read some books about keeping the air clean. We should turn off the light when not in use.We shouldn't’t play fireworks.(烟花)Read and know We can tell father ‘don’t smoke‘.We can use clean energy(能源)Read and know The bedroom is___. The___Make the bed messy. The ___make the floor messy.To keep it clean, we should__________.We shouldn’t_________.Because home is the best, I love my home.Everyone,join me now. Let’s be a propagandist. (宣传员)and make a proposal Make and share The bedroom is___. The___Make the bed messy. The ___make the floor messy.To keep it clean, we should__________.We shouldn’t_________.Because home is the best, I love my home. Green hills and clear water are much better than golden and silver hills.金山银山 不如 绿水青山 I know how to keep our city clean.I can use ‘make’‘keep’ ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t.’We can make a proposal to encourage people tokeep our city clean .Ticking time Homework1.Share the proposal with your friends.和朋友分享讲述你们


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