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早上好。 Morning. 早上好。 Morning. - 你要咖啡吗?-好的,谢谢,我想喝一杯。 - Do you want coffee? - Yeah, cheers. I could use one. 你昨晚出去了吗? You out last night? 只是去倒垃圾。 Only to put out the bins. 那算吗? 我只是睡不着。 Does that count? Just couldn't sleep. 楼上那家伙打呼噜像头水牛。 Guy upstairs snores like a buffalo. - 你呢-没有。 - You? - Er, no. 呃,这些天就像一个静修,妈妈的房♥子 Er, it's like a silent retreat, ma house, these days - 没有乐趣。 without all the fun. 托什,你还戴着耳塞呢。 Tosh, you've still got your earplugs in. 谢天谢地! Thank God! 我以为是精神病发作了。 I thought was having a psychotic episode. 别太放松了,伙计们。 Don't get too comfortable, folks. 你得马上去 Minn Beach。 You need to get down to Minn Beach, now. 看起来是肘部以下被切断的。 Looks like it's been severed just below the elbow. 有海上或钻井平台发生事故的报告吗? Has there been any reports of accidents at sea or out on the rigs? 不,我已经和海岸警卫队核实过了。 No, I've already checked with the coastguard. 骨头被切得很干净。 Bone's been cut clean through. 看看他的手指。 And look at the fingers. 没有指纹。 No fingerprints. 它们被烧掉了。 They've been burned off. 店主有没有可能还活着,还在某个地方流血呢? Any chance the owner's still alive and bleeding out somewhere? 我很怀疑 Oh, I doubt it 因为这看起来像是死后被切断的 cos this looks like it's been severed postmortem 在水里泡了好几天了。 and it's been in the water for a few days. 桑迪,你觉得 Sandy, how long do you think it would take 从挪威带来的东西洗到这里? something from Norway to wash up here? 不确定。 Not sure. 大概一周吧。 About a week, probably. 托什,你去检查一下潮汐流 Tosh, will you check the tidal streams 看看能不能查出这是从哪儿来的? and see if we can figure out where this came from? 抱歉让你久等了,吉米。 Sorry to keep you, Jimmy. 我只是想亲自做几个测试。 I just want to do a couple of tests myself. 我们有麻烦了。 And we have a problem. 我在手和小臂上发现了碱液的痕迹。 I've found traces of Lye on the hand and lower arm. 好吧,那是什么? OK. What's that? 氢氧化钠。 Sodium hydroxide. 它被用作工业清洁剂, It's used as an industrial cleaner, 或者做肥皂, or to make soap, 但它能在三小时内把尸体变成液体 but it can turn a body into liquid in three hours 如果加热到正确的温度。 if heated to the correct temperature. 你是说有人试图溶解那只手? Are you saying somebody's tried to dissolve that hand? 很有可能。 More than likely. 我会忘记潮汐。 An


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