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Daniel Ugara 来这里找他妹妹 Zezi。 Daniel Ugara came here to find his sister. Zezi. 如果家人不付钱,而他又不能把她带出岛, If the family don't pay, and he can't get her off the island, 他会杀了她的。 he'll kill her. 你在 Wester Skeld 度假? You got a holiday let at Wester Skeld? 有什么问题吗? Is there a problem? 因为我们在这里发现了一具尸体。 Cos we've found a body in the premises. 看起来像是凶器。 Looks like it could be the murder weapon. 它堵住了客房♥后面的下水道。 It was blocking a drain at the back of the guesthouse. 我会找到你女儿的! I will find your daughter! 救命啊! Help! 我想我们很快就能找到 Zezi 了。 We're very close to finding Zezi, I think. 你知道她在哪儿吗? You know where she is? 不,我们要付赎金。 No, we're going to pay the ransom. 他打中我们了。 He's clocked us. 快点,快点! Come on, come on! 天啊! Jesus! 她不在里面。 She's not in there. 肯定有人给他通风报信了。 Ah, somebody must have tipped him off. 我不明白。 I don't understand. 她为什么不在车里? Why wasn't she in the van? 她在哪儿? Where is she? 你现在可不能放弃。 Don't you dare give up now. 她还活着。 She's alive. 真希望我能相信! I wish I could believe that! 他在为某人工作。 He was working for somebody. 我们找到那个人,就能找到 Zezi。 We find the somebody, we find Zezi. 先生,我们得走了。 Sir, we need to go. 我们在 Spiggie 发生了一起事故。 We've got an incident at Spiggie beach. 怎么了,是 Zezi 吗? What is it, is it Zezi? 不是 Zezi。 It's not Zezi. 现在,先生。 Now, sir. 他们一定是被迫上了小艇。 They must have been forced into a dinghy. 真不敢相信有人会这么做。 I can't believe someone would do that. 在北海中间? In the middle of the North Sea? 你想告诉我发生了什么吗? You want to tell me what happened? 他们是谁? Who are they? 我是说,他们从哪儿来的? I mean, where did they come from? 我不确定。 I'm not sure. 不应该是这样的。 It shouldn't be like this. 不,不应该。 No, it shouldn't. 邓肯,你到底在这里干什么? Duncan, what were you doing down here, anyway? 那是我醒来的地方。 It's where I woke up. 我不知道我的房♥子被用来收容这样的人。 I had no idea my property was being used to house people like this. 我没有。 I didn't. 我知道。 I know. 我知道。 I know. 来吧,我带你去暖和的地方。 Come on, let's get you in the warm. 四个人。 Four men. 溺死。 Death by drowning. 他们在外面撑不了20分钟。 They wouldn't have lasted 20 minutes out there. 还有别的事吗? Anything else? 有些瘀伤,可能是挣扎的痕迹,我不确定。 Some bruising,



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