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摘要 随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,各行各业对供电可靠性和供电质量提出了更高的要求.由于配电网处于电网的末端,用户多为低压用户,许多用电器的功率因数很低,且不带补偿装置,这给电网带来很大的 功率负担和额外线损,为了维护电力系统稳定,保证电能质量和安全运行我们必须完善电力系统无功补偿的研究。 在电力系统中,存在着消耗大量无功功率的设备,这些设备的使用会给电力系统电压产生激烈的波动,例如冲击性的无功功率负载:轧钢机,电弧炉,电气化铁道等。同时用户中又有对系统电压稳定性有较高要求的精密设备:如计算机,医用设备等。如果无功功率不能及时控制,就会对电网电压造成不良影响。另外无功储备的不足会导致电网电压水平的降低。鉴于以上原因,如何快速有效解决电力系统中的无功缺额。具有重要的现实意义 关键词? ? :电力系统? 无功补偿 功率因数 无功补偿装置 Abstract With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, people from all walks of life put forward higher requirements on the reliability and quality of power supply. The distribution network in the network terminal, user for low-voltage users, many power factor of electrical appliances is very low, and without compensation device, the network brought power burden and additional the line loss, in order to maintain the stability of the power system, research on power quality and safety operation we must improve the wattless power compensation of power system electrical guarantee. In the power system, there is a device to consume a large amount of no power, the use of these devices will produce the fierce fluctuation of power system voltage, such as the impact of wattless power load: rolling machine, electric arc furnace, electric railway. At the same time, the user also has the high precision equipment requirements of system voltage stability: such as computers, medical equipment etc.. If reactive power can not be controlled in time, will affect the power grid voltage. Problems also idle reserves will lead to a lower level of power voltage. In view of the above reasons, how to quickly and effectively solve the lack of reactive power in power system. Has the important practical significance Keywords: power system, wattless power compensation,power factor, no reactive power compensation device 目录 摘要? ? I Abstract? ? II 目录? ? III 前言? ? 1 1 无功功率的基本概述? ? 2 1.1 功率的基本概念? ? 2 1.2 无功功率的产生? ? 2 1.3 无功功率在电网中的作用? ? 3 1.4 无功功率对电网及用电设备产生的影响? ? 4 2 功率因数的概述? ? 5 2.1 功率因数的概念? ? 5 2.2


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