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专升本英语考试真题2022 2022年四川专升本英语考试真题(含答案) 此为考生回忆版 一、单选 1. (冠词) It is reported that_______president will have dinner with______president o'Conner tomorrow. A.the;the B.a;a C.the,/ D././ 2. (名词所有格) It's only____from my school,so I can go on foot. A.ten minute's walk B.ten minutes' walk C.ten minutes walk D.ten minute walk 3. (连词) Put on your coat,____ you will catch a cold. A.and B.but Cor? D.so 4. (时态) It is said that the author_____by the end of this year. A.will finish B.will be finish C.will have finished D.will have been finished 5. (虚拟语气) If you have done your homework yesterdayyou._____how to answer the question now. A.know B.knew C.will know D.would know 6. (反义疑问句) They must have met with their guests last nigt,______ ? A.haven't they B.didn't they C.mustn't they D.couldn't they 7. (倒装) No sooner had he sat down______somebody knocked on the door. A.when B.than C.then D.it 8. (就远原则) The manager together with some workers_______visiting the new pany now. A.are B.is C.have been D.has been 9. (短语辨析) Some mountain areas,___ _the terrible road condition,are hard to arrive. A.but for B.in spite of C.with regard to D.due to 10. (让步状语从句) Poor____ she was,she never accepted anything for nothing. A.although B.though C.so D.yet 答案:CBCCD? BBBDB 二、阅读理解 [第一篇]迟到冒犯道歉解释信 [第二篇]拯救天鹅,然后成为好朋友 [第三篇]年轻人副业 [第四篇]航空热点:神州飞船上做实验的意思(大部分同学了解时政,知道意思) 题型总结:主旨大意题、细节推敲题、推理题、同义词替换题 三、完形填空: The Silk Road is a name given to the many trade routes that connected Europe and the Mediterranean (地中海) with the Asian world. The route is over 6,500 km long and got its name because the early Chinese traded silk along it. Although silk was the main trading item, there were many other goods that travelled along the Silk Road between Easter Asia and Europe. In the course of time, medicine, perfumes, spices and livestock (家畜) found their way between continents. The Chinese learned to make silk thousands of years ago. For a long time they were the only ones who knew how to make this precious material. Only the emperor


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