译林牛津英语七年级上册Unit1Period 6Study skills 学讲预案.docxVIP

译林牛津英语七年级上册Unit1Period 6Study skills 学讲预案.docx

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译林牛津英语七年级上册UnitlPeriod 6Study skills学讲预案 一 .Learning ahead of time (自主先学) Read these sounds /ei/ /i:/ /ai/ /au/ /ju:/ 二.Cooperative learning (合作助学) 找出划线局部发音不同的选项。 ( )1. A name B bag C cake D game ( )2. A cup B bus C must D use ( )3. A sell B she Ctell Dbed ( )4. A kite B hill C time D bike ( )5. A not B box Cdoll Dg。 三.Extensive learning (拓展导学) Listen to the music. It's nice.听这首音乐,很好听。 Listen to the teacher carefully.认真听讲。 26个英文字母的发音音标 A a [ci] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] Ec[i:] Ff[cf| Ggld3i:] H h [ei由 I i [ai] Jj[d3ei] K k [kei] L l[el] M m [em] N n [en] 0 o [ou] P P [pi:] Q q [kju:] Rr[a:] S s [cs] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [MAblju:] X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:]/ [zed] 四.Enhancing learning through testing (检测促学) 一)找出划线局部读音不同的选项 A B C ( )1. what name grape ( )2. pink fish five ( )3. home potato s^rry ( )4. hurry cute run ( )5. these bed leg 二)根据元音字母在重读开音节中的读音,写出划线字母的发音。 price cope site drink UFO sljde mute lace stove cave 三)阅读理解 Hans said to his friend Kurt, 'Tm going to take my car to drive to London.,'Kurt said, “Driving to London is very hard. You aren't going to find your hotcl.^^ But Hans was not afraid. He drove to Calais, put his car on the ship, took it off at Dover, and drove to London. He stopped near the city and looked at his map. Then he drove into London, but he did not find his hotel. He drove round and round fbr an hour, and then he stopped and got out of his car. A taxi came, and Hans stopped it. “Take me to the Brussels Hotel,M he said. But he did not get into the taxi, he got back into his car. The taxi man laughed, but then he drove to the Bnisscls Hotel, and Hans followed him in his car. They reached the hotel in two minutes. ( )1. Hans went to London by. A. car B. sea C. air D. both sea and land ( )2. Hans lost his way in. A. Calais B. London C. Dover D. Brussels ( )3. Hans did not find his hotel because. A. he had a map B. he had no map C. it was not easy to find the way D. he was not good at driving ( )4. Hans stopped a taxi and. A. follow


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