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合成生物学的危害 So, there's about seven and a half billion of us. The World Health Organization tells us that 300 million of us are depressed, and about 800,000 people take their lives every year. A tiny subset of them choose a profoundly nihilistic route, which is they die in the act of killing as many people as possible. 地球上有大约 75 亿人口。世界卫生组织说其中大约有 3 亿抑郁症患者,其中每年有约 80 万人会选择自杀。 一小部分人选择了更极端的路线,他们想杀死尽可能多的人,自己也死在其中。 These are some famous recent examples. And here's a less famous one. It happened about nine weeks ago. If you don't remember it, it's because there's a lot of this going on. Wikipedia just last year counted 323 mass shootings in my home country, the United States. Not all of those shooters were suicidal, not all of them were maximizing their death tolls, but many, many were. 关于这点有很多出名的例子。我这儿有一个不那么出名的。它发生在大约 9 个星期之前。如果你们不记得了, 那是因为这样的例子实在太多。维基百科列出了在我的祖国,美国,仅在去年就发生的 323 起大规模枪击案。 这里面并不是所有的凶手都选择了自杀,也并不是每一个凶手都想杀更多的人,但他们大部分都这样想。 An important question becomes: What limits do these people have? Take the Vegas shooter. He slaughtered 58 people. Did he stop there because he'd had enough? No, and we know this because he shot and injured another 422 people who he surely would have preferred to kill. 有一个很重要的问题:这些人心中有什么底线吗?拿拉斯维加斯枪击案的凶手来说。他杀了 58 个人。他是因 为觉得够了才没有杀更多人吗?不是,我们知道他还射伤了另外 422 个人,可以确定他也是想杀死这些人的。 We have no reason to think he would have stopped at 4,200. In fact, with somebody this nihilistic, he may well have gladly killed us all. We don't know. What we do know is this: when suicidal murderers really go all in, technology is the force multiplier. And airplane: massively worse, as pilot Andreas Lubitz showed when he forced 149 people to join him in his suicide, smashing a plane into the French Alps. And there are other examples of this. 我们也无法设想他在杀死 4200 个人之后会不会停下来。实际上,人极端到这种程度,他可能很希望把我们都 杀掉。这点我们无法得知。我们知道的是:如果自毁式凶手开始杀人,科技只会成为增加他们杀伤的利器。飞 机则更要可怕得多,


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