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在蛮干时代里超前思考的力量 So in the winter of 2012, I went to visit my grandmother's house in South India, a place, by the way, where the mosquitos have a special taste for the blood of the American-born.No jok e. When I was there, I got an unexpected gift. 在 2012 年的冬天,我拜访了祖母,她住在印度南部,顺便说一句,在这里,美国出生的人很招蚊子的喜欢。 不开玩笑。我在那儿的时候,收到了一份出乎意料的礼物。 It was this antique instrument made more than a century ago, hand-carved from a rare wood, inlaid with pearls and with dozens of metal strings. It's a family heirloom, a link between my past, the country where my parents were born, and the future, the unknown places I'll take it. 就是这个古董乐器,是一百多年前制造的,从罕见的木头中手工雕刻出来的,上面镶嵌着珍珠,还有几十根金 属弦。这是一件家传宝物,它连接着我的过去,和我父母所出生的国家,以及未来,那些我将带它游历的未知 的地方。 I didn't actually realize it at the time I got it, but it would later become a powerful metaphor for my work. We all know the saying, "There's no time like the present."But nowadays, it can feel like there's no time but the present. 当我得到它时,并没有意识到,这件物品后来会成为与我工作相关的一个有力的隐喻。我们都知道这句俗话, “现在就是最好的时机。”但是如今,我们可能会觉得只有现在,没有其他了。 What's immediate and ephemeral seems to dominate our lives, our economy and our politics. It's so easy to get caught up in the number of steps we took today or the latest tweet from a high-profile figure. 这些即时和转瞬即逝的东西似乎主宰着我们的生活,我们的经济和政治。我们很容易就为今天走了多少步而兴 奋,或为推特上某个网红最新的推文而着迷。 It's easy for businesses to get caught up in making immediate profits and neglect what's good for future invention. And it's far too easy for governments to stand by while fisheries and farmland are depleted instead of conserved to feed future generations. 生意人也容易追逐短期利润而忽视对未来发明有益的那些东西。对政府而言,与为了供养子孙后代而开展保护 相比,对渔场和农场被耗用枯竭袖手旁观实在是再容易不过了。 I have a feeling that, at this rate, it's going to be hard for our generation to be remembered as good ancestors. If you think about it, our species evolved to think ahead, to chart the stars, dream of the afterlife, sow seeds for later harvest. 我感觉,以这样的速度下去,我们


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