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外国人体格检查记录 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER 体 检 说 明 EXPLANATION OF THE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 1.在华学习或工作六个月以上的外国人,应按照“外国人体格检查记录”进行 体格检查。 The foreigners, who intend to study or work in China for 6 months or more, should go through a physical examination before they come to China according to the requirements of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners. 2 .外籍人员入境前的健康体检应由所在国公立医院或我使馆认定医院检查,检 查结果、健康证明书由当地公证机关及我国使(领)馆认证。体检表贴照片处, 应有医院印章。健康检查结果应有医院盖章、医师签字、检查日期。否则,视体 检表无效。 The physical examination should be done in a public hospital or a hospital recognized by Chinese Embassy. Result of the examination should be notarized by local notarizing authority and certified by Chinese Embassy. The hospital seal is supposed to be put across the photo on the Examination Record. Seal of hospital, signature of physician, and date of examination are required. Otherwise, the record will be viewed as invalid. 3.体检项目应包括国际检疫传染病、爱滋病、性病、开放性肺结核病、精神病、 麻风病等,血清学检验报告单应包括 Anti-HIV , RPR, TPPA, HbsAg, AntiHCV , ALT/GPT 等项目, X 光检查报告及胸片。体检表应填写清楚。 Examination of International Quarantiable Diseases, AIDS, Venereal Disease, Opening Lung Tuberculosis, Psychosis, Leprosy, etc. must be included. Laboratory Exam Report, X-ray Exam Report and Chest X-ray are supposed to be attached. And Anti-HIV , RPR, TPPA, HbsAg, AntiHCV , ALT/GPT should be shown in the Laboratory Exam Report. All items of this form have to be filled carefully and clearly. 4 .报到时,体检时间不得超过五个月。 The examination should be done no longer than 5 months ago on the day of registration. 5.体检表是办理来华手续所需文件之一。 The Physical Examination Form is one of the documents that are needed in the process of going through the visa formalities. 外 国 人 体 格 检 查 记 录 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER 姓名 性别 □男 Male


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