四年级下册英语教案 Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.(Lesson 7) 人教精通版.docVIP

四年级下册英语教案 Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.(Lesson 7) 人教精通版.doc

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学科 英语 中心发言人 备课课题 Lesson 7 学情分析 经过三年级、四年级的数字学习,孩子们已有相当的数字基础,而且对数字也相当感兴趣,但在句子中的熟练运用还有待进一步练习。 教 学 目 标 知识与能力目标:1、学生能听说认读:twenty-one至twenty-nine 2、学生能听说读写:eleven,twelve.并能在四线三格中规范书写;进一步巩固How many students are there in your class? Twenty-nine. 过程与方法目标: 1、情境教学法?2、“任务型”教学法 3、鼓励性教学法 4、游戏教学法 等 情感态度价值观:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发他们学习的积极性。培养孩子乐于与人合作的学习意识。 教材分析 本课为人教精通版四年级下册Unit 2的第一课时lesson7,是三年级,四年级已学数字1至20的基础之上的延伸教学,主要考验学生们能在真实的语境中通过与他人交流获得人数或物品等的数量信息。 重点和难点 重点:1、学生能听说认读:twenty-one至twenty-nine 2、学生能听说读写:eleven,twelve.并能在四线三格中规范书写;进一步巩固How many students are there in your class? Twenty-nine. 难点:十几和几十的区别,teen和ty的发音区别及句子的灵活运用。 教 学 设 计 教 学 设 计 Teaching steps. 1.Warm-up. 1>: Greeting. T: Good morning , boys and girls . welcome to our English class . I hope you will be happy in this class . Now , Let ‘s begin our class . S: (stand up )Good morning , Miss Yan . T: Thank you , sit down , please .Today, we are going to learn lesson 7 (write it on the blackboard ) read after me , lesson 7. Step 2>:Sing a song<Ten little Indians>. 3>Review1-20 and the sentences about number. 20. 2.Presentation. 1>Do arithmetic to lead in new words 21-29. 2 2>Play a game-<Find neighbor>. 3>Who has the brightest eyes. 4>Fill in the blank to lead in “How many students are there in your in your class? ” 5>Main sentences teaching. Complement sentences. Pass the word. Change nouns. C Change nouns and places. Group work and then show. 6>learn text. Listen and answer. Translate and read. Scene reconstruction. Group work---practice the dialogue and show. 3.Summary. 4.Assessment. 5.Homework. Blackboard design : Lesson 7 How many students are there in your class?



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