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PAGE PAGE 1 操场的英语怎么说 操场的英文:playground/sports field。例句:The headmaster#39;s voice boomed(out) across the playground.校长瓮声瓮气的声音传遍操场。 参考例句: Raised the money for the new playground. 为新操场筹集资金。 The playground was a mere sop. 操场很湿。 The playground covers over an acre in extent. 操场的面积超过一英亩。 a kite flying above the playground. 在操场上空飞翔的风筝。 The headmaster#39;s voice boomed(out) across the playground. 校长瓮声瓮气的声音传遍操场。 A playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children. 充满了孩子们叫喊和欢笑的操场。 The students swarmed towards the playground. 学生们一窝蜂似地奔向操场。 They quickly lined up in the playground. 他们很快在操场上排好了队。 Most of my classmates went to the playground. 我班上的大部分同学都去操场了。 Scarcely had the bell rung when they went to the playground. 铃一响,他们就到操场去了。 playground是什么意思: n. 运动场,操场 You#39;re not in the playground now, cub. 你现在不是在操场上,不懂规矩的年轻人。 Children played free on playground. 孩子们在操场上无拘无束地玩耍。 The girls were skipping in the playground. 姑娘们在操场上跳绳。 sports是什么意思: n. 体育运动 v. 故意显示;引人注目地穿戴;嬉戏 sports decisiveness 运动果断性 It was very sporting of you [You were very sporting] to keep it a secret. 你守住该秘密,很有运动员的风度[是承担一定的风险的]。 junior sports development 青少年体育发展。 field是什么意思: n. 原野,田地;运动场;领域,专业;实地,野外 adj. 实地的,野外的,野战的;野生的;田间的 v. 接球;巧妙回答 A rectangular field is to be subdivided into eight equal fields to sell. 这块矩形的土地被划分成八等分再出售。 Scatter seeds on the fields/scatter the fields with seeds 在田里播种[把种子撒在田地里]。 They leveled a field yesterday. 他们昨天平整场地了。


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