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新编大学英语 1 答案 【篇一:新编大学英语第一册第 9 课-final 答案】 days useful information holidays are special times of respite from work and other routines. in some cases, they are legal holidays when stores, businesses and government offices are officially closed. in other cases, they are celebrated without taking time off from work. holidays are often times for celebration, revelry, eating, drinking, travel, and family gatherings, but they may also be times of rest and reflection. the current trend is away from rest and reflection. even mardi gras ( 大斋首日的前一天,直译为 “油腻 的星期二 ”), the day before the traditionally reflective period of lent ( 大斋期 ), has turned into an entire week of parties, parades, and merry-making for those who make the annual pilgrimage to new orleans, for example. in most cultures the scheduling of holidays originally was related to the seasons, the lunar cycle, and religion. christmas (december 25) celebrates the birth of jesus, but it is not actually known when jesus was born. the first roman emperor to espouse christianity decided to have christmas when the days are shortest to bring a spirit of optimism to the long winter months. it also helped bring christianity to the pagans, who were accustomed to having festivals at the winter solstice, encouraging warmth and sunshine to return. over the years christmas has come to symbolize goodwill and generosity for both christians and non-christians through the personification of santa claus, originally a christian saint, known as st. nicholas. nowadays rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is almost as important a global symbol of christmas as jesus or santa and the commercialization of christmas for some people threatens to replace generosity with greed. few people remember that the original christmas gifts were given with generosity and humility by the three wise men, all pagans, to jesus, a jewish child born in a manger ( 马槽). all they think of are the gifts they will give or receive, and all the money they have spent. one reaso



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