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C++ Mini-Course •Part 1: Mechanics •Part 2: Basics CPSC 221, Texas A&M University Adapted from: Brown CS123 /courses/cs123/resources/c++_mini_course.ppt C++ Mini-Course Part 1 : Mechanics C++ is a superset of C • New Features include – Classes (Object Oriented) – Templates (Standard Template Library) – Operator Overloading – Slightly cleaner memory operations Segment.cpp #include “Segment .h ” #include “Po int .h ” Segment : :Segment () { m_p0 = new Po int (0 , 0) ; m_p1 = new Po int (1 , 1) ; } Segment : :~ Segment () { delete m_p0 ; delete m_p1 ; } Segment.h #ifn def SEGMENT_HEADER #define SEGMENT_HEADER class Po int ; class Segment { public : Segment () ; virtual ~ Segment () ; pr ivate : Po int *m_p0 , *m_p1 ; } ; #endif // SEGMENT_HEADER Some C++ code #include #include “Segment.h ” Insert header file at this po in #include <io stream> Use library header. Header Guards #ifndef SEGMENT_HEADER #define SEGMENT_HEADER // contents of Segment.h //... #endif • To ensure it is safe to include a file more than once. Header Guards #ifndef SEGMENT_HEADER #define SEGMENT_HEADER If this variable is not defined… // contents of segment.H //... Define it. End of guarded area. gui.h #include “gui #include “contro ller .h ” // defin // . . . controller.h • What ’ s wrong with this picture? • How do we fix it? Circular Includes // . . . pr ivate : Gu i* myGu i ; // . . . } ; class Contro ller { h ” . • In header files, only include what you must. • If only pointers to a class are used, use forward declarations. //Forward Declaration class Contro ller ; // defin // . . . controller.h //Forward declaration class Gui ; class Contro ller Forward Declarations gui.h External Libraries, libc.so, libcs123.so Compilation Object files Executable OK, OK. How do I run my Program? > make And if all goes well… > ./myprog C++ Mini-Course Part 2 : Basics int x = 10 ; int *p ; p = &x ; p gets the address of x in memor


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