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托福阅读教案 【篇一:托福阅读教学大纲】 托福阅读 要求学生在作业要求之外每天一篇阅读练习,长期坚持。 分析选项改写的思路 考试时间策略 basic skills: skimming scanning inference quick responding enimilating operating pc understanding facts and detailsfd identifying negative facts neg understanding vocabulary in context vocab making inferencesinf determining purpose prp recognizing paraphrases prph recognizing coherence coh summarizing important ideassm organizing information oi 阅读基本原则: 文章结构观念,为总结题做准备 小定位,有目的阅读原则 读懂前后句,上下文原则 选项 “关键点” 验证原则 最佳答案原则,可能都不确信,但是选择对不怀疑的。“两利相权 取其重,两害相权取其轻。” 陷阱类型 主被动 因果倒置 先后颠倒 正话反说 after 1815, ...→prior to 1815 5. 单词题 1. 构词法以及单词题内容: 基本构词法 17 页图片 前缀解题原则 exceptional- extraordinary; illuminate-light; heterogeneous-varied; proliferation-growth; superseded-replaced 构词法: 440 题; 官方核心词汇 400; 近义词总结归纳 “正负向”分析,前缀归类 最终只是解题线索,辅助手段 70%是基本含义,可以直接选;但是 30%要依赖语境;所以保险的策略 c 语境优先原则: 把单词带回文章,自己给出一个最接近的近义词; 然后用自己的理解词对应选项; 绝对不要先看选项,很可能“先入为主”,掉进陷阱; 即使自己对 5 个单词绝对有把握也一定要带回原文验证。 原文语境很可能有一个正确选项,这取决于文章逻辑呼应的思路, 例如: 正确答案很可能是我们不熟悉的第二第三义项 context clues: be a supernova is a... or the inclination or tilt of the earth... a skyscraper, or building more than twenty stories high,... appositive thermal power stations are designed to pass as much energy as possible from the fuel to the turbines, . adjective clause or phrase the sun crosses the equator twice a year at the equinoxes,. prescribed fire,,is a safe way to mimic natural fire conditions. the radiating surface of the sun is called the photosphere, and just above it is the chromosphere,which isvisible to the naked eye only during total solar eclipses,appearing then to be a pinkish——violet layer. list or series because of their similar teeth,seals and walruses are believed to have evolved from the same ancestralgroups as the weasels,badgers,and other . if someone is said to have“a chip on his shoulder,”he is angry, pugnacious,sullen,and looking for trouble. example for example, for instance, like, such as several personnel managers complain about the lag of business colleges in eliminating obso


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