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摘要 倒车雷达系统的研究与设计 专业:电子信息科学与技术 本科生:骆世刚 指导教师:吴筠 摘 要 汽车倒车雷达是针对当前公路、街道、停车场、车库等越来越拥挤,加 上存在视觉盲区,无法看见车后的障碍物,司机在倒车时很容易刮伤汽车, 甚至发生事故的情况而出现的一种旨在倒车防护的汽车防撞系统。该系统能 够在汽车以较低的速度进行倒车的过程中,识别出车后部的障碍物,并能够 测量车与障碍物之间的距离,在车辆与障碍物发生碰撞前,发出声光报警, 提醒司机刹车。本设计从实验研究分析的角度,分析了超声波测距原理以及 国内外此类汽车倒车雷达存在的问题,提出了目前最简单、实用的一种倒车 雷达实现方案,即基于成都国腾微电子公司GM3101倒车雷达芯片为核心的超 声波测距倒车雷达,该芯片功能集成度高,外围只需接上超声波传感器和功率 器件就可以实现整个系统功能,也不需要软件编程。同时设计中围绕目前呼 声很高的汽车电器网络化实现,提出倒车雷达数据基于新型总线XY-CN BUS的 传递方案。系统设计中采用了模块设计思想,简化了调试工作量,最终很好 完成了超声波测距倒车雷达系统的硬件设计、软件设计及系统调试。 关键词:汽车倒车雷达 超声波 GM3101芯片 XY-CNBUS 汽车电器网络化 Ⅰ Abstract Abstract Automobile Reversing Radar (‘ARR’) is a protection system which appeared in the condition of that the cars are scratched easily, even some of the accidents happen when drivers reverse, for the reason of that the current highway, street, parking lots and garages are getting more crowded, and the drivers are unable to see obstacles behind the vehicle because of the existence of visual blind spots, aimed at prevent a car crash when reversing. The reversing radar system, which can recognize the barrier at the back of car when the vehicles reverse at a low speed, and is capable of measuring the distance between the vehicle and obstacles, warned the drivers to brake at the way of sound and light, before the collision occurred. The design analyzes how the ultrasonic measure distance and what the problem of the other automobile reversing radars which have appeared at home and abroad are, from the perspective of research and analysis. Then introducing the most simple and practical way at present to make the A


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