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PAGE3 / NUMPAGES3 如何写邀请函 1.邀请便条: ①发出邀请A"你能来参与我的Party吗' April 20, 2023 Dear Fiona, I am going to hold a dinner party with several other friends of ours. The party will be held in Room 6 of Lijing Hotel at 5:00 p.m. today, I sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a very happy time together. Please let me know whether you can make it. Yours, Amelia 点评:本类邀请函的要点是体现自己作为举办方的诚意,即高亮部分,如何写邀请函 。 主要思路为:简述自己要举办的活动内容活动的`时间地点表达自己的诚意期望对方予以答复。 发出邀请B"你情愿和我去参与XX活动吗' April 20, 2023 Dear Fiona, Here is a piece of good news for you. The * will give a performance in the * tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it .The performance will begin at seven oclock sharp. I will wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you can make it at your earliest convenience. Yours, Amelia 点评:本类邀请函的要点是表明"信任你肯定会对这个活动感爱好'或者"我盼望你能够一同参与'的心情。同时留意叙述清晰活动的内容、时间、地点及对方能够给出最终答复的时间,邀请函《如何写邀请函》。 发出邀请C写给长辈,"我能和您约在XX见面吗' April 20, 2023 Dear Professor Zhou, I am Amelia from class 052; I need you to give me some suggestion on my project. If it doesnt trouble you too much, shall we have a meet at your office tomorrow? Time is up to you. Respectful yours, Amelia 点评:本类邀请函是由于对象是师长,不得不采纳正式的格式和对方实现约见。因此留意使用敬语和"时间地点由你定'的表达。 主要思路是:叙述清晰自己要求见面的缘由自己便利的时间段盼望对方能抽空相见的迫切心情表达感谢之情。 发出邀请D以群体为对象,通知式的邀请函 April 20, 2023 Dear girls and boys in Class 0403, This Saturday evening, from 7 p.m. to 9 p. m., at Singeing dining hall, there will be a ball held by Class 0301. We warmly invite you to take part in it. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, music and various games. And well have a chance of communication, which will enhance the friendship between us. Come and enjoy ourselves together. Yours, Mike Monitor of Class 0301 点评:本邀请函的对象为群体,因此有点类似通知的格式。与其他邀请函不同的是,这里可以使用号召式的结尾。 【如何写邀请函 -邀请函】


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