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青岛大学 硕士学位论文 政府绩效评估指标体系优化研究—— 以山东省临沂市莒南县政 府为例 姓名:袁超 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:行政管理 指导教师:尹焕三摘 要 通过对我国现行的政府绩效评估指标体系的分析,发现构建过程中价值存在偏 颇,公共服务、公共责任和公平公正等方面的价值缺失,评估主体过于单一,缺乏 公众参与,缺少代表性和多元化,评估内容不全面,泛经济化,评估指标片面强调 经济指标,过于重视显性政绩,轻潜性政绩,评估多采用定性的方法,缺少定量分 析,缺乏制度化,评估程序缺乏规范性,随意性较大,评估结果不科学或者虚化, 错误的把评估看成目的,并不重视评估结果的有效运用机制的建立,不能科学的分 析运用评估结果,从而不能促进政府绩效的提高,已不适宜作为衡量政府绩效的主 要尺度,不符合科学发展观的要求。 优化完善政府绩效评估指标体系,使之具有时代性,就要按照科学发展观的要 求,在评估方法、评估主体、指标内容、权重和评佔结果的运用等方面进行修复完 善。本论文旨在科学发展观的大背景下,以山东省临沂市莒南县政府为例,分析其 政府绩效评估指标体系的不足及原因,并运用科学的评估方法和规范的评估程序重 构了政府绩效评估指标体系及模型,该指标体系能体现出科学发展观的要求,指标 内容综合全面,能整合经济、社会、人等方面因素、有机结合了短期指标和长期指 标,评估主体多元化,注重公众的参与,指标权重合理、多层级、易操作,适当削 弱经济发展指标的比重,增加了社会、环境与体现“以人为本”精神的指标比重, 并重视对评估结果的反馈和指示。 关键词:绩效评估;科学发展观;指标体系 Abstract At present, the Government Performance Evaluation Index System of our country has some defects. There is bias in the value during building the system. There is short of some areas of value, for example public services, public responsibility, fair and so on. People who evaluate the performance of government is too single, which is lack of public participation, representation and diversity. The content of evaluation is not comprehensive and has too much economics. Indicators of evaluation emphasis on economic indicators unilaterally and dominant performance, and it despises potential performance. The method of evaluation is qualitative, which is lack of quantitative analysis and regulations. Procedures of evaluation is lack of standardization, and too randomness. The results of evaluation are unscientific or false. It is wrong to treat the evaluation as the purpose. The evaluation pays no attention to the construction of mechanism of using the results effectively. It can not analyze and use the results scientifically. So it can not promote the improvement of government performance, which is not suitable as the main measure for evaluate government performance and does not meet the requirements of the Scientific Development Concept. According with the spirit of th


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