电子课本数字版权管理研究和基于Marlin DRM的系统实现-《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》(2014年2期).docx

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电子课本数字版权管理研究和基于Marlin DRM的系统实现-《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》(2014年2期).docx

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龙源版权所有 电子课本数字版权管理研究和基于Marlin DRM的系统实现 作者:葛鑫等 来源:《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》2014年第02期 摘要:隨着电子课本的发展,该领域数字版权管理的需求日趋明显.本文分析了电子课本在数字版权管理方面的特殊需求, 并基于Marlin DRM技术针对性的设计了一套DRM解决方案,开发了一套演示系统.结果显示,当前的方案可以很好地为电子课本提供版权保护,可以满足这一新兴领域的特殊需求. 关键词:电子课本;数字版权管理;Marlin数字版权管理技术 0Introduction With the development of information technology, digitization is happening everywhere. Many kinds of content are digitized, such as audio, video and books. The industry of electronic book is boosting rapidly in the past years, while at the same time, as a special kind of eBook used in education area, electronic textbook is raising wide attention in both academia and industry. Copyright protection is always a question together with digitalization. This is due to the natural properties of electronic content that it is easy to copy and transmit. Almost at the same time when eTextbook is proposed, industry is studying copyright protection method for it, while digital rights management, is a method mostly widely used. Digital rights Management, normally abbreviated as DRM, is the technology used by copyright holders or their representative intent to control the use of digital content after sale [1]. In the history of DRM, Philips is always a key player. Philips has a lot of intelligent property in this area and is core member and key technical contributor of Marlin DRM community [2], the most widely used open standard DRM solution in the world. In China, our team did a lot of job in the DRM standardization and proposing. We are key DRM solution contributor in standardization work groups such as ChinaDRM, IGRS, GAPP eBook and ETESBS, the corresponding areas including DRM for video, audio, eBook and eTextbook. Generally speaking, DRM method should be content independent. A good DRM method for media content should be available for eBook and eTextbook too. However, when extended to a new area, we should analysis the new requirements so as to adjust and make the DRM solution more suitable and effective. In this p



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