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龙源版权所有 数字学习生态系统中的电子课本 作者:C. WESTON 来源:《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》2014年第02期 摘要:本文認为,教育在本质上是交互性的而不只是信息的传播.如果遵循这个理论,尽管商业电子书作为独立的产品是可行的,但是电子课本还需要嵌入一个更广泛的数字生态系统来学习.这个生态系统,将包括许多不同形式的软件,提供交互性,报告交互性的成果,分析个别学生的能力和管理他们的进展.在这样的生态系统中,电子课本在支持开放标准的互操作性上发挥着至关重要的作用.本文将反映一些ISO/IEC研究中的主要结果. 关键词:数字学习生态系统;电子课文;ISO/IEC 0Introduction Over the last year, I have had the pleasure of working in an international team which is producing a technical report on the future requirement for eTextbooks. The project was initiated by the Chinese delegation to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC36, the committee within the International Standards Organisation that is dedicated to the production of IT standards for learning, education and training. Including representatives from China, Japan, Korea and France, as well as myself from the United Kingdom, we have drafted a technical report that describes the main opportunities and challenges for the development and use in an educational setting of eBooks — or what we describe more simply as “eTextbooks”. Over the last twenty years, my own work in education technology has been focused on the data standards that will be required to underpin a coherent ecosystem for digital learning. In the mid1990s, I was involved in a UK initiative called the Open Integrated Learning System (OILS) specification, which allowed digital activities to report scores and other outcome data back to a Learning Management System (LMS). In 1999/2000, this work was overtaken by the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)[1], a specification that was produced by a section of the US Department of Defence called Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)[2]. SCORM brought together a series of specifications, most of which were produced by other organisations like the IMS Global Learning Consortium and the Aircraft Industry CBT Committee (AICC). These different components covered the packaging of learning content, metadata markup, and the reporting at runtime of outcome data such as scores. In 2004, Simple Seque



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