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教 案 首 页 授课日期 班 级 课题: Unit 6 Lesson 1 Parts of the body 教学目的要求: 1.Students can read and identify the words of body parts 2. Students can ask and answer:What is the problem? My leg/hand.hurt(s) 3. Students can talk to the doctor about their body problems 教学重点: Students can understand the instructions and do the right reactions to point out body parts 教学难点: Ss will be able to use the sentence patterns to talk about their body problems 授课方法: 讲授法,小组讨论法、交际法、任务型教学法 教学参考及教具(含多媒体教学设备) :《新模式英语1》、黑板、粉笔 P P T 、 单 词 闪 卡 、 视 频 。 授课执行情况及分析: 板书设计或授课提纲 Lesson 1 Parts of the body I.New Words 1.The top part of the body: head,eyes,ears, nose, mouth, teeth 2.The middle part of the body: neck, shoulder,back,arm, hand,finger, stomach 3.The last part of the body: bottom,leg, knee, foot,toe Ⅱ.Sentence Patterns A: What's the problem? B:My leg hurts./ My feet hurt. 教学内容与过程 教学环节 教 学 内 容 师生活动 I.Lead-in Ⅱ.Presentation A 1.Play a guessing game Ask Ss to guess what the logo stand for(启发学生回 答这些知名的logo都是由肢体摆成的,让学生猜 出 本 节 课 所 讲 内 容 ) 2.Write“Parts of the body”on the board. 3.State the objective: We'll say our body parts and talk to the doctor about body problems today. 1.Explain the teaching aims to students(向学生逐条 解 释 学 习 目 标 ) 2.Group discussion (1) Divide the Ss into three groups, ask them to write down the body parts which they have learned before . (第 一 组写出与头部有关的单词,第二组写 身体中间部分的单词,第三组写下半身的单词) (2) Each group choose two students to report, one read the word, the other student write the words on the blackboard. (3) The teacher to supplement 3.Teach the body words in different ways. (1) The top part of the body: head, eyes, ears,mouth and nose. a. 出示一些卡通人物的图片让学生用He/She/It has 这个句型来描述人物最有特点的身体部位。 b.Ask Ss to use these body parts to fill in the blanks e.g: We see with We listen with We smell with We eat with (2)The middle part of the body:neck,shoulder, back,arm, hand, finger,stomach (Ask Ss to read aloud ,while they're reading ask them to point these bo


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