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Howto stop languishing and start finding flow AdamGrant 2021 I know you all have long to-do lists, but I hate wasting time so much that I have a to-dont list. Dont scroll on social media, dont check my phone in bed and dont turn on the TV unless I already know what I want to watch. But last year I found myself breaking all of those rules. 我知道大家都有个长长的待办事项列表,但是我讨厌浪费时间做这些。所以我有 个“不办”事项列表。不要流连社交网站,不要在床上看手机,不要打开电视,除 非我知道要看什么节目。但是去年,我发现自己打破了全部的规则。 I was staying up way past midnight, doom scrolling, playing endless games of online Scrabble and bingeing entire seasons of TV shows that werent even good. The next morning Id wake up in a daze and swear, Tonight in bed by 10:00. But it kept happening night after night for weeks. What was I thinking? 半夜了我还醒着,滚动浏览负面新闻,不停地玩线上拼字游戏,无节制地追整季 电视剧,然而并不怎么好看。第二天早上我整个人迷迷糊糊地醒来,然后发誓, “今晚10 点钟要睡觉。”但是这一幕不断上演,持续好久。我当时在想什么? As an organizational psychologist, I have spent my whole career studying motivation, so it really bothers me when I cant explain my own behavior. I wasnt depressed. I still had hope. Wasnt burned out, had energy. Wasnt lonely, I was with my family. I just felt a little bit aimless and a little bit joyless. Eventually, I remembered theres a name for that feeling: languishing. Languishing as a sense of emptiness, stagnation and ennui. It was coined by a sociologist Corey Keyes and immortalized by a philosopher, Mariah Carey. 身为一名组织心理学家,我的整个职业生涯都在研究激励问题。所以我很困扰, 我无法解释我自己的行为。我不是抑郁,我还怀抱希望。我也不倦怠,我还有能 量。我并不觉得孤独,因为我有家庭。我只是感觉少了点目标,少了点快乐。最 第 1 页 后,我终于想到有一个词可以形容这种感觉:颓靡。一种空虚、停滞、无趣的感 觉。这个词最早由社会学家科里·凯斯(CoreyKeye)提出,并由“哲学家”玛丽亚·凯 莉(Mariah Carey)发扬光大。 When youre languishing, it just feels like youre muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield. So Im curio


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