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The little risks you can take to increase your luck Tina Seelig 2018 Ive spent nearly two decades observing what makes people luckier than others and trying to help people increase their luck. You see, I teach entrepreneurship, and we all know that most new ventures fail, and innovators and entrepreneurs need all the luck they can get. 我花了近二十年的时间,观察是什么使有些人比他人更幸运,并试图帮助人们提 升运气。我教授创业学,大家都知道,多数新企业均以失败告终,创新者和企业 家需要所有可以得到的运气。 So what is luck? Luck is defined as successor failure apparently caused by chance. Apparently. Thats the operative word.It looks like its chance because we rarely see all the levers that come into play to make people lucky. 那么,运气是什么呢?运气,被定义为显然由偶然原因导致的成功或失败。‘’显 然‘’,是其中的关键词。看起来运气具有偶然性,是因为我们极少看到所有的因 素同时作用而产生好运。 But Ive realized, by watching so long, that luck is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic. Its much more like the wind,blowing constantly. Sometimes its calm, and sometimes it blows in gusts, and sometimes it comes from directions that you didnt even imagine. 但通过长期的观察,我发现,运气很少像闪电那样,孤立而戏剧性地降临。它更 像风,不断地吹,有时静止不动,有时,则阵阵袭来,有时,它会从你根本想不 到的方向吹来。 So how do you catch the winds of luck? Its easy, but its not obvious. So Im going to share three things with you that you can do to build a sail to capture the winds of luck. 那么,如何捕捉幸运之风呢?做起来很简单,却并非人人知晓其中的奥妙。所以, 第 1 页 我要分享三件你们可以做到的事情,去创建一面风帆,以捕捉幸运之风。 The first thing you want to do is to change your relationship with yourself. Be willing to take small risks that get you out of your comfort zone. Now, when were children, we do this all the time. 你要做的第一件事,就是改变你与自己的关系,去承担小小的风险,走出自己的 舒适区,这是我们儿时常做的事。 We have to do this if were going to learn how to walk or talk or ride a bike or even quantum mechanics. Right? We need to go from someone one week who do


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