自考高级英语上册 Lesson 14 I Would Like to Tell You Something.pdfVIP

自考高级英语上册 Lesson 14 I Would Like to Tell You Something.pdf

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自考高级英语上册 Lesson 14 I Would Like to Tell You Something 大耳朵英语 2011-01-21 22:35:03 【打印】 Lesson Fourteen I Would Like to Tell You Something 我想告诉你们一些事情 I would like to tell you something about what veterans老兵are doing in this country, and about our feeling now that we’ve come back from a war we didnt really want to fight. 我们从一场我们并不想打的战争中返回家园,我想告诉你们退伍军人正在这个国家里做些什 么,告诉你们我们的感受。 A little over a week ago we held an investigation in Detroit 一个多星期以前,我们在底特律进行了一次调查, where over 150 honorably discharged veterans 光榮退伍的老兵, many of them highly decorated, testified to war crimes committed in Indochina 在那里,150 多名光荣退伍的老兵,其中许多人曾被授予各种高级勋章,为在印度支那犯下 的战争罪行做证— —not isolated incidents, but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. —这些罪行并不是孤立的事件,而是每天都在发生,并且各级军官对此都十分清楚。 The investigation was not staged so that veterans could spill out their hearts or purge their souls; 这次调查并不是为了让那些老兵倾吐他们心中多年以来积蓄已久的感情或是消除他们心灵 的负罪感, it was done to prove that the policy of the United States in Indochina is tantamount等價to genocide 大量屠殺, 而是为了证实美国在印度支那的政策与种族灭绝毫无两样, and that not only the soldiers are responsible for what is happening, but that everyone here in America who has allowed the brutalization暴行 and de-personalization 冷漠 to go on is responsible. 对那里发生的一切应负责的不仅仅是美国士兵,还有每一个允许这种暴行和冷漠继续下去的 美国人。 It was done also to show that you dont start making things right by prosecuting 起訴 William Galley, no matter how guilty he may be; 这次调查的目的还想告诉大家,不管威廉?凯利的罪行有多大,仅仅起诉他是错误的, you also prosecute the men who encouraged the situation. 还应该起诉那些造成这种局面的人。 It was done to show that there is not just one Mylai but countless Mylais and they are continuing every single day. 这次调查还告诉大家不是只有一个迈莱,而是有无数个迈莱,类似的事件 每天都在发生。 There was an almost total press blackout on the testimony 証詞 of those veterans. 那些老兵的证词差不多遭到彻底的封锁。 But this isnt new to those of us who were in the war. 但对于我们这些参加过战争的人来说,这并不新鲜。 I can remember traveling to Saigon and


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