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Pub Talk and the King’s English 1. sociable 社交的;好交际的;友善的 friendly; agreeable 2. indulge in enjoy; satisfy 容许自己享受; 尽情 3. on the rocks 1)wrecked or ruined 拮据,破产 E.g. Mr Jones business was on the rocks. = His business was losing money and almost ruined. 2 )with ice only E.g. Sally ordered an orange juice on the rocks. = Sally ordered an orange juice with ice cubes. 4. delve :dig, research; investigate 钻研;探究;挖 delve into book 专研书本 delve into the past 调查过去的情况 If you delve into sth, you try to discover new information about it. 5. desultory 断断续续的;散漫的;不连贯的,无条理的 a ~ conversation 漫谈 ~ research 漫无边际的研究 a ~ walk 漫步 6. snobbery 势利,谄上欺下;摆绅士架子;势利的行为或语言 1. the attitude of someone who belongs to or admires the higher social class of society, and despises people of a lower social class 2. the attitude of sb, who believes that his own special tastes, interests and abilities are superior to those of other people. snobbish / snob 7. bi + adj. meaning double, two, appearing twice bimonthly 每月二次 biannual 每年二次 biplane 双翼飞机 8. nto the shoes of (infml) in the position of experiencing what another has to experience 换位思考 e.g. Im glad Im not in his shoe just now. 9. abusing 虐待,滥用,侮辱,辱骂 1. take unfair or undue advantage of (ones patience) 2. improper or incorrect use of language (the Kings English) 10. pejorative:disparaging, downgrading 轻蔑的;[临床] 恶化的,变坏的 (a word, phrase) that suggests that somebody or sth, is bad or worthless 11. facetious -- comes from the French “faetie ” -- a jest 嘲笑,开玩笑 joking esp. at an inappropriate time e.g. I became angry with that facetious boy. A phrase used pejoratively or facetiously is clearly lowered in importance and dignity. 12. immune (to) 不受影响的 If you are immune to sth. that happens or is done, you are not affected by it. He was immune to the flattery 奉承巴结of other people. The American economy is proving surprisingly immune t


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