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8AU3基础知识过关默写(Welcome--Reading) (后附默写纸;易错点已标注,供参考) 第一课时(Welcome to the unit) 词组过关: 来吧;赶快 come on 我们在澳大利亚玩得开心 enjoy ourselves in Australia 在那座著名的桥下乘船旅行 take a boat trip under the famous bridge 经过悉尼歌剧院(the Sydney Opera House) go past the Sydney Opera House 保重 take care 坐在河边的一个小咖啡店里 sit in a little coffee shop by the river 一栋有着一座大花园和很多树的漂亮建筑 a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees 美国总统 the President of the USA 句型过关: 我打算去锻炼。I’m going to exercise. =I’m going to do/take exercise.=I’m going to do sports. 你需要锻炼并且保持健康。You need to exercise and keep fit. 这座山不如真的山那样高。This hill isn’t as high as a real one. 我们今天下午将去塔顶。 We are going to the top of the tower this afternoon. 一切顺利! All the best! 金门大桥(the Golden Gate Bridge)有多长? How long is the Golden Gate Bridge? 这座桥有多宽?How wide is the bridge? 它九十英尺宽。It’s ninety feet wide. 这座桥是钢制的,是吗?The bridge is made of steel, isn’t it? 它重达十万多吨。It weighs over one hundred thousand tons. 第二课时(Reading) 词组过关: 邀请我加入他们去世界公园的学校旅行 invite me to join their school trip to the World Park 晴朗而温暖的一天 a fine warm day 在清澈碧蓝的天空中闪耀 shine in a clear blue sky 相当远 be quite far away 钢制的 be made of steel 在网上看到一些旅行的照片 see some photos of the trip on the Internet 把它们放在他的主页上 put them on his home page 句型过关: 我在这里很好。I’m doing fine here. 花了我们约两个小时坐巴士到那里。 It took us about two hours to get there by bus. 路上交通很拥堵,行程有点无聊。 There was a lot of/much traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring. 最终我们到达了公园。We finally arrived at/got to/reached the park. 我们所有人都迫不及待下车。All of us couldn’t wait to get off the bus. 很快整个世界都展现在我们面前。Soon the whole world was there in front of us. 有来自全世界一百多个名胜的模型。 There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world. 当我们看到埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)的模型时,我们变得很激动。 We became very excited when we saw the model Eiffel Tower. 金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)的模型看起来和家乡的那个一样壮观。 The model Golden Gate Bridge looked as great as the one back home. 我不敢相信自己的眼睛。I couldn’t believe my eyes. 这是令人惊叹的一天,因为我们仅仅在一天之内我们就看到了世界上的主要景点。 It was an amazing day bec



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